Gun Control

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Hmm. The guy that published the study quoted by everyone that says the US has more mass shootings than the rest of the world combined appears to have made it all up. He won’t release his data. Another study which did release the data has a totally different conclusion. Just another case where millions of people believe and repeat something fake.

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Like………….Mexico will pay for the wall?



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Ok, back from the sun and sand of the Caribbean… (Loved it, need to go back!!!)

So, our Prez is finally doing something constructive in office??? :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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What’d you bring back for us from the Caribbean? :slight_smile:

Only suntans for you, I am afraid…:grinning:

Most excellent cruise. Best one yet, for us newbies (3rd cruise). Just one more rung to hit Elite status…

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Man! We are going to see riots on the streets!

How he dares to violate the second amendment! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Oh, wait! It’s a so called republican, nothing there. Had it been a democrat? Darn Communist taking my guns………:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Bump stocks were approved by Obama’s ATF because thanks to his patronage hiring it was filled with folks too stupid to even understand what they were approving.

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Guns can be fired fully auto without bump stocks

Someone here is obsessed with banning bump stocks and is convinced it’ll make us all safer.

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We sane folks will take every win we can get…

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Someone here is obsessed with guns as if they will protect him at work.

They are so brave they don’t even want to have a kid to worry for when sending them to school. Or, send their kids to protect this country.

Not you dragon. :wink:

Ohhhh…….I forgot!

Somebody is trying to impress his minions. Too late! He is done! :laughing:

Let’s use the avoidance thingy on Marcus.

I bet this hypocrite boy is not going to respond to this:

Did we hear from the liar and commander in chief about this? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Of course, we didn’t!

It was a “white” thingy, not illegals, not black athletes SOBs. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Marcus is supporting his group, he didn’t denounce them, did he? :laughing::laughing::laughing:

America, the land of opportunities. :wink:

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Finally, somebody is doing “something”.

I am tired of the BS about gun control and whatnot. This country needs to wake up and smell the coffee. We parents can’t be scared to death any time we are called for any “lock down” at our kid’s schools or high schools. We are scared to death!

The miserable point I want to make is that posters who are not even married, with no kids, are against gun control. Same as they told me regarding investing in RE, please, if you are not going to contribute to gun control, STHU. Mind your own business. Our kids deserve your silence. We don’t need stupid memes, nor “data”, we need gun legislation, period!


Why a military style assault weapon is needed.

Texas Homeowner With AK-47 Fatally Shoots 3 Armed Robbers, Injures 2 More - Blue Lives Matter

Since this applies to me, you are semi wrong. I support banning military grade weaponry from the general population and all accessories that make weapons military grade level. One has to be objective and fair. Obviously, if crime weren’t an issue in society here, why would you need a gun? Again, the hunting angle is a joke. Yeah, you need thousands of rounds and a dozen M-16s to go hunting. Right. You must be one pathetic shot. It would be wise to not be anywhere near your arse if you are “hunting.” The reality is, owning a firearm to protect your spouse or yourself is valid and just because no children are involved doesn’t degrade that valid reason often cited. The problem with gun advocates is that they are just head strong pro gun, any gun and aren’t willing to budge at all when mass shootings happen all around them. The words, proactive measures, simply are not in their vocabulary. They will throw up statistics all day that may prove their point, but yet, doesn’t speak to what the other side is expressing and wanting. They are the true party poopers: they go to a party and they want all of the cake and that is it. They don’t want REASONABLE gun ownership rules. Plain and simple.

Opiods are illegal and kill multiple times more people per year than guns used in homicides. We don’t live in a fantasy world where making something illegal means no one will have it. All it means is only criminals will have it.

I’m sure people will take comfort that the gun the criminal has is illegal, and they’re not supposed to have it. You know right up until the criminal uses the gun they aren’t supposed to have to kill the person. Maybe if they print out a copy of the law and show it to the criminal, then the criminal will realize the error of their ways and turn in the gun.

Also, it’s super ironic when people are against securing the border while thinking a law will prevent criminals from getting guns. It’s perhaps more ironic when people want to disarm law-abiding citizens while arguing police are the problem. If law-abiding citizens can’t have guns, then they are literally dependent on the police for protection. It’d be good to see an non-emotional argument on those two.

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