How common are $350K salaries in the Bay Area?

Netflix doesn’t give equity, it’s all cash.
This is not 350K salary, it’s total comp.

It’s more common than you think.


The box on the right says it’s base, I’d presume that means salary.

Sorry, 350K salary is it common question was from @manch, and the answer is it’s 350K total comp, not salary.
I responded because i didn’t realize it was an OLD thread.

NEtflix no equity, just cash was to you.

That is insane. I guess equity or not doesn’t matter but the fact that they pay everything in cash just sounds crazy to me.

Pay cash pay less total comp

if they had stocks instead, bay area RE would be much hotter :slight_smile:

Netflix total comp is actually the highest among the three.

Depends on who’s hiring the most new grads too no?

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If someone draws 350k salary for 10 years there’s no reason in the world why they can’t FIRE. Are these folks all FIRE’d?

Comp didn’t account for share appreciation. Cost to company is higher since they have to buy shares in the open market at point of vesting.

Or they can just let the shares be diluted.

More fun from This time Google:

Even lower than LinkedIn. :-1:

New grad hires, tvcs(included?)

In response to the comments about Netflix -

Netflix is an unusual company bc (1) it has very cash-focused comp, rather than offering the usual slew of equity, bonus, etc. I knew a guy who worked there as well as other places before/after and he said he made most at Netflix, and (2) it is a VERY high performance culture. They fire people all the time. It’s not somewhere you can float along. There’s a famous deck somewhere about their “sports team rather than family” philosophy. I.e., you want the best players and will pay them, but ready to cut fast if they don’t perform.

Also on people not being FIRE with 350K comp, if both people are high earners and at least one has been doing so for a few years, yes they should be very comfortable.

But it is very possible for someone to be earning 350K TC right now but not be on way to FIRE…big factors are:

  • how much does partner earn? If partner earns very little (works in store, actress, office manager, or doesn’t work) there are possibly many years where that one salary has been providing for two people.
  • did you buy property before? If not, you’re paying 3-4K/month for rent
  • were you making 350K for a few years BEFORE having kids? Or were you making 100K for a few years at some failed startups?

One problem I see is when people hit a higher salary level just as they get married (wipes out savings), start having kids (expensive, childcare), plus their partner has very low paid job. Then partner may stop working, or they have to pay a lot for childcare.

Rich dad, poor dad sounds like a cliche but it’s realky a thing. When I had just graduated I was working in a job where I was making 70K or so and my manager was making 400K+. He asked me when it was payday because he needed to get paid to pay rent! It was so confusing, I couldn’t imagine how he didn’t have enough in his account. He saw my confused look and said “yes, I live paycheck to paycheck!”

Now, his wife didn’t work and he covered their lifestyles (2 cars, renting nice home, wedding and honeymoon, expensive dogs, plus his own education loans…I can see how that adds up.)


Also in the us plenty of people pay for child support and alimony.


Only husbands need to worry. Wives always on the receiving side.

Yes so true!! I forgot about that one.

Which always confused me “maintaining standard of life”. Since when was that a human right?

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Clueless. Any Americans want to answer that?

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Senior SWE salary has moved significantly in last 12 months too. Over a years ago, average might be around $250K-300K but it is pretty common $350-400K for most T5 / E5 engineers (senior SWE) are. If it is E6 level, they can easily earn $450-500K at FANG. Netflix cash is high, but FB started with no 1 year wait for their RSU vesting, so it is as good as Netflix cash or even better due to stock price are all times high.