How Trump has handled the pandemic

I thought I clearly stated China was not without blame. Seems Trump fans are saying Trump has been perfect and it’s all China’s fault we are in current situation?

Of course I know WHO is heavily influenced by Chinese money. I thought everybody knew?

We have CDC for a reason. We have never outsourced our public health policy to WHO. Heck, we even insisted on making our test kits and not use the WHO ones, which are used by over 60 countries. US has its first case in January. Do we need WHO to tell us whether it can be transmitted person to person?

What other policies are outsourced? Do we decide who to bomb or do we take orders from UN? Does the Fed set rates or is it the World Bank?

We have the world’s largest and most sophisticated intelligence network. We should have picked up an epidemic is going on in Wuhan earlier than it became public knowledge. And I bet we did pick that up. But higher up officials chose to ignore it. Do I have to replay all those Trump tweets saying it’s just a flu? There are still people on here insisting it’s just a flu.