How Trump has handled the pandemic

That doesn’t say a lot other than that Trump doesn’t have the presidential temperament. CDC has been a disaster and telling people to stay at home when they are sick doesn’t help when this virus can go asymptomatic. By the way the health care workers aren’t wearing masks per my Kaiser visit more than a week ago.

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Are you OK?


Went for a 10 mile run today if that makes you feel any better :smirk:


Repeating something over and over again doesn’t make it true. You live in a bubble. We’ll see how things go in November.

The CDC blew it on testing and the buck stops at the top. It’s the responsibility of the executive branch to coordinate the country’s response in a time of crisis. Trump has had 3.5 years to fix the so called ‘deep state.’ All I’ve seen has been hollowing out of experience e.g. ‘the generals’ and replacement with whichever political loyalists spend the most time on Fox News (speaking of Fake News media…). I have no issues with the lockdowns and travel restrictions we are starting to see – seems like he finally gets it now that he’s being affected personally at Mar a lago. If we’re lucky the response may come in the nick of time. But say goodbye to the ‘Trump economy’…


You talk about this one, right?

Where can I find the info for the latest research developments?

This I can agree with. They all botched it. Trump. CDC. State governments. It’s easy to identify the partisans based on who they’re defending. This was a failure at every level, republican and democrat.

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For all you sports fan’s bumming on the Covid19 bans

Day 2 without sports:

Found a young lady sitting on my couch yesterday. Apparently she’s my wife.

She seems nice.


So why should anyone think additional government would ever make us safer? If we’ve learned anything, more agencies mean more complexity. There’s less sharing of info since agencies don’t communicate with each other. More agencies means more red tape when quick approvals are needed to take action. Those silos and barriers make us even more vulnerable whether it’s terrorism or a pandemic.

Remember when all the conspiracy theories were floating about Obama organizing everyone into FEMA camps based in some drills? Talk to someone who’s actually worked with FEMA. They’ll tell you exactly how incompetent FEMA is across multiple administrations. The idea they could organize everyone into camps is laughable.

I keep hoping that some day people wake up and realize the issue is too much government. It seems no amount of examples of government failure is enough. People always think the next layer of government will fix things. I guess they are just optimists no matter what history says. Personally, I wouldn’t count on the government for anything.

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Rudy Gobert take note:

Verified by google. They are building it. Just more media misinformation. Of course, news outlets that blasted a Trump aren’t retracting it.

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It just got rolled out and you can check (Only Santa Clara and San Mateo counties). It was started by Gavin and Google and was focused on California. The state had already built the backend for it. Trump took credit for it and conflated it to the whole US which google was not building for, not states able to support it… so Trump deserved to be blasted

edit: also remember Google themselves came out on Friday and said not true to Trump’s statement…

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You mean he took credit by thanking google for doing it? It seems google botched their initial comment, and Trump was right. Of course, now we have another situation where most of America will have the wrong facts in their memory. That’s become an epidemic.

Correct. You need masks that can block the biological material. The way the masks (and it’s only a subset of them that can) do it is by having an electrostatic layer. Once you get the mask wet, the layer is lost and it’s unable to block.

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Interesting podcast a friend sent me.

Short story–Trump approved a travel ban from the infected region in China to buy the US time. The CDC tried to develop tests which weren’t working, and later research lab in WA developed a test and tested people just for research because they were awaiting FDA approval. They found a case, told the health dept (which was not what they legally could do, but kudos to them), and saved a high school from being infected. And now… A state regulator called to tell them to shut down.

Tell me how that state regulator is related to Trump.

I really think that this is way bigger than Trump. Yes, he did budget cuts (her claim is this has happened repeatedly historically after the news dies down on potential pandemic), but there’s stuff going on at the FDA, the CDC, and now a state regulator?

I really feel like there are people who actually want a pandemic to happen… Not “Trump was an idiot” kind of people, but people who enjoy watching an emergency unfold. You know, because less people on earth is better for the environment. Or maybe they just enjoy having people suffer.


This is a variant of the story when only China has Covid-19. Flushing the deadwoods from the human species. Babies don’t get infected. 0-10 kids recover quickly. … Deadly to elderly especially those with medical conditions. Don’t believe it.

Trump is dead meat:

Lots of politicians on both sides of the aisle could be dead meat - they’re all ancient.
We’ve been crying for term limits since forever it seems. Maybe now we’ll get them.
BTW a dead Trump is the Dems worst nightmare. Pence is a much stronger candidate - especially against Biden.

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