Implications of Biden's Infrastructure Plan on EV and Clean Energy

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Anyone hear of GGPI and DCRC? Much talk in blogosphere.

My clean energy portfolio is pretty resilient. Overall is green +0.92%.

I got rid of the charging stocks… after much thought, long term EV should be able to be charged by a GCFI point so expensive dedicated charging stations are not necessary, should be as easy as pumping air in a petrol station. That is, charging stocks are bad long term hold.

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The expected wave of demand won’t happen as long as we stick with the plug-in model. Most people just don’t have the time or patience for that.

i think if gas prices go up, people will adjust their expectations. Also, there may be a wave of mandates coming due to cleaner air concerns. So people may have to.

EV will eventually sell for a lot less than hybrid. It’s a much simpler product mechanically. Look at the exponential drop of battery cost over time.

I often hear EV owners say they will never go back to ICE cars. I don’t recall hearing ICE owners say the reverse.

I will never go back to EV.

But those same mandates will cause the price of electricity to soar to California levels.

Got tired of plugging your car into your dryer outlet for hours instead of just swingingt by a gas station?

CA is also full of idiots who want to kill nuclear. I wouldn’t use CA’s approach to getting clean technologies as a roadmap for others.

Also agree EVs need less maintenance over time. Less mechanical parts rubbing each other. Its an iPhone on wheels. :wink:

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Isn’t it pretty much all of developed world, except maybe France? Yes, killing nuclear is moronic.


Yes. EV/AV is the ultimate mobility, getting worry for Apple. Did they miss the boat?

i don’t know, they are so secretive. its hard to leapfrog, which is what they want to do. lots more room for error.

I would consider China part of the developed world at this point. 150 nukes on the drawing board.

Biden is putting $2B on this one in Wyoming:

But how come my EV/ Clean energy portfolio still tumble?

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