In This Instance Trump Ok, Bannon No Way!

If multi-culturalism dies, America dies. Simple as that. So we better make it work.

Progress doesn’t move in straight line. I have faith in today’s kids.

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Doubt most people who voted for Trump had any expectation or hope for him personally to be a hero for the country. Maybe voters were expecting he would at least pick some quality staff (maybe other than family) to help with his job to serve the American people…

Steve Bannon for one does not fit the role of Chief Advisor. Aside from being chairman of Breitbart News, the platform for the alt-right, I didn’t know much about him and how Bannon first supplanted Corey Lewandowski when he grabbed a female reporter of Breitbart. Talk about using victimization to personal gain… Now, after rounding up the “anti-PC” haters, he shows he is fluent in dogwhistle.

1. Steve Bannon Turned Breitbart Into Trump Pravda For His Own Personal Gain.

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I have faith in evolution, though it takes time…
I know I try to focus on the good parts of living in a multicultural environment, based on my own experiences. I like to have hope that different races will continue to get along better, but I can understand nostalgia for the past. In the end, we are who we are (racially, at least) and like you said, we better make it work.

Makes sense to me. The Senators making the rules have their pensions & healthcare guaranteed for life(even when not working) unlike the workers, who do not have work.

workers would begin to realize that governments were “not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or jobs from being exported”, Rorty wrote. They would also realize that the middle classes – themselves desperately afraid of being downsized – would not come to their rescue.

“At that point,” Rorty wrote, “something will crack.”


Why would the US die? Multiculturalism never truly existed. US neighborhoods are heavily segregated. People might talk about diversity, but they’ll overwhelmingly choose to live near others like them. The 10 happiest countries have relatively small, homogenous populations.

Rorty is a typical old lefty like Bernie…the left needs a younger more pragmatic leader. .Bringing up bogeyman fascists as a model for Trump is irelevant…Trump has inspired the old left more than Bernie could…Maybe now they can come up with a 21 century leader…

People may self-select neighborhoods with people they find to be like them but the key is that they have the CHOICE. In the 1950s when America was supposedly great, they didn’t have that choice. If we let white supremacist in leadership positions in this country, they will take us backwards. Their policies won’t seem overtly racist but under scrutiny they will suppress the rights of minorities.


I admit I’m happier living near people like me, but more on an economic scale than a racial one.

I think places like New York and Bay Area benefit from having cultural diversity at a macro level, even if neighborhoods themselves are segregated.


What I am feared to change is how we respect each other culture. Alarmingly I am seeing more and more videos of people insulting other’s culture and saying “deportation” to other people because they are not white. The election campaign amplified a lot of those hate and it makes it seems like it is okay to insult others. This is happening in Bay Area itself.


People may want to research which party created redlining of neighborhoods.

What amazes me is how many people move to America, then expect us to adopt and accept their culture. Do other countries work so hard to accommodate immigrants? What if it was Americans moving to other countries, would those countries work so hard to accommodate what Americans want? To me, the burden should be on the person moving to another country to assimilate into that country. They are the one that moved. If they don’t like the country, then they shouldn’t move to it.

The whole idea of a democracy is the majority rules. Lately, it’s been the loud and tyrannical minority groups that are ruling as the majority keeps making changes to accommodate them. I think the majority finally said enough is enough. They finally learned there’s no appeasing these groups. The more they get the more they demand. Also, they aren’t demanding equal anymore. They demand favoritism for their groups.

No, that’s not the “whole idea” of democracy. Google “tyranny of majority”. Our founding fathers understood this. That’s why there are so many checks and balances, to prevent a popular tyrant trampling the rights of the minorities.

Also, Hillary is on track to win more than 2M votes than Trump. Electoral College itself is a device to prevent “tyranny of majority”. If it’s just majority rules we won’t have Trump today.

That’s the whole idea, the whole appeal of America. It’s why America is great today. I don’t get what’s so upsetting in accepting other cultures. I seek them out myself. I don’t want to live in towns that only serve burgers and fries. Multi-culturalism enriches people’s lives.

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It’s no coincidence why more economic vibrant places tend to be more liberal and more accepting to other cultures. It’s just better economics to have talented people feel comfortable living and working here, no matter their race or religion or whatever. Plus people working in creative fields tend to be more empathetic.

Zuck finally agrees to battle fake news on Facebook because if he doesn’t do anything, his rank and file will leave in droves, at least the more talented ones who have job offers everywhere. Who wants to be associated with Nazi propaganda?

Most of the American heartland is NOT multi cultural. People who can’t stand other cultures have a lot of options like Iowa or Kansas. But these places don’t have many opportunities. I say the two are related.

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Liberalism used to be associated with tolerace and advancement but since 1964 at UC Berkeley liberalism was taken over by radicalism and the tolerance attitude of liberals ceased to exist. .Now academia is a hot bed of intolerance. …Everyone who disagrees with leftist thought is considered a racist or a Nazi…

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Well, in this case we are talking about actual Nazi’s

The PC culture that got the Trumpsters so riled up is just storm in a teacup. So what if you can’t say some words? Is that such a big deal? Parents are even more careful about our words. I never hear parents say I wish I can just swear like a sailor.

I agree the safe haven trend in colleges is going too far. Young people should engage in honest discussions about difficult topics. As long as the discussion is civil I don’t see any problem. Sorta like the discussions we are having here.

But the college leftists never seek to destroy lives of people disagreeing with them. They never seek to kick people out because of their races or religions. They never seek to do much harm. The degree of malice is way out of proportion comparing with what’s happening now.

Violence from the left has been around since the sixties. .The occupy wall street people, BLM, the 99 percent, and many other groups are holding violent demonstrations on the streets…4 cops were shot yesterday by leftists. …We have not seen organized right violence in the same volume…But in 1968 it was the leftist violence that drove the silent majority to vote for Nixon…The leftists that attacked Trump rallies did not help their cause. .in fact it was the left that got him elected…They sat at home after having a hissy fit that Bernie was not nominated. …Even Kayne West said he was glad that Trump was elected. …The radical left would rather see the country go to hell or even to Trump than to compromise with someone like Hillary

Kayne is currently hospitalized after having a mental health breakdown. I certainly wouldn’t let him influence my decisions.


Likie I said being a radical leftist will make you crazy…I thought we had gotten over this 40 years ago…And then Bernie dug up all the old lefty issues

If he is for Trump, I wouldn’t call him a radical leftist. Perhaps radical right…

There are nut jobs on both sides. Always have been.

Kayne said he would leave the country if Trump was elected. He also accused Bush of being racist, after Katrina. The Trump victory put him over the edge…Hopefully some other Hollywood lefties will lose it to…

As co-presenter Mike Myers stared blankly ahead, the rapper blasted the media’s portrayal of Katrina’s black victims and added, memorably, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people,” at which point the show’s producer cut him off and abruptly moved to the next presenter. NBC later disavowed the harangue and edited the accusation out of the program’s West Coast rebroadcast, but Kanye’s point was made. By sheer coincidence, of course, earlier that week he had released the album Late Registration, which went on to sell 3.5 million copies.