It’s often better if they don’t go during the disaster, because it diverts first responders away from helping people. How many times did Obama travel for disasters? I guess if that’s the one thing you want to hate the guy for then knock yourself out.
You’re not getting my point. He is not presidential material. Period. My god, he makes George Bush (pick one, any one…) seem like God’s gift to mankind…
Obama is a super star talent as a public speaker. Does that mean he was an effective leader? We should judge by the results not how we feel when the person is talking. Results are measurable. Feelings while someone is talking are opinions.
Our economic recovery was the slowest ever from a recession. He pushed for stimulus spending on shovel ready jobs which he later admitted weren’t shovel ready. We know tax cuts fire up the economy fastest, but democrats refused since tax cuts are seen as benefiting the rich. That’s obvious, since you can’t cut taxes on people that aren’t paying them. We’ve done 4 tax cuts and GDP growth accelerates and tax revenue increases.
Once the stimulus was passed, he turned to healthcare reform and took 2 years to pass something. They had to hand the keys to big pharma and insiders to write major pieces to get it passed. It also had massive pork spending to buy the last few votes. The reform did zero to lower spending as a percent of GDP. It was pure class warfare of forcing the rich to pay more taxes to make lower income healthcare premiums lower. That’s not a real solution, since the healthcare spending is still growing too fast. He kept repeating that the average family would save $2,500 per year in premiums. Premiums are up and out-of-pocket maxes and deductibles are up. That’s a failure.
Foreign policy was largely a miss. In 2012, he was laughing about Romney’s suggestion that Russia is a threat. Then Russia got more aggressive, since they realized Obama wouldn’t do anything. Then there’s Middle East policy which grew ISIS. How do we consider Pakistan an ally when they were harboring Bin Laden that close to a military base? We clearly thought their government was in in it, because we didn’t inform them of the operation to kill him. We were too afraid it’d be leaked to him.
Big banks are bigger than ever after telling us our banks were too big and that created too much risk to the economy.
Obama was great for those with enough money to own stocks and real estate. Everyone else is worse off than they were before him.
Hillary wouldn’t give a damn. Fly out and actually be with the wildfire victims? not on your life. Unless she were up for reelection and needed a good photoop.
Now, let’s revise what the Trump supporter Marcus is implying. Wait, what? Oh…OK…He is not a Trump supporter. My fault, what happens is that he seemingly acts like one.
OK…let’s be realistic. Republicans are pushing for TRICKLE EFFECT episode 10. The 9 before this one didn’t work, even after the Obama administration cut taxes.
Now, I am a novice, a dumb if you want to call me that, but I am going to teach Mr. Marcus a lesson he may not forget for the rest of his life. I am going to depend on the opinion of people knowing about the economy. Let’s bring this report, written by somebody who knows about the economy:
Method 2. Obama’s Budget Deficits
It’s a little misleading to hold Obama (or any other president) accountable for the deficit incurred during his first year of office. That’s because the previous administration already set the federal budget for that fiscal year. <-----Got that? Any deficit or any income, revenue, whatever good is to talk about shouldn’t be attached to the legacy of the new president. That means, that the new administration record starts at the beginning of the new budget. And the new budget was passed a day or two ago, right? GET THAT MARCUS?
Before Obama took office, President Bush’s last budget (FY 2009) created a deficit of $1.16 trillion. That fiscal year began on October 1, 2008, and continued until September 30, 2009. That means most of that deficit occurred after Obama took office in January. It’s not accurate to attribute it to him.
Get that? The economy until a few days ago, or maybe this month, whichever happens before the new budget is/was passed and starts to take effect is Obama’s legacy. <-------------
From November on, we’ll see how the trickle down crap is working for this country. I hope it works for all, but we know all well we are going to need another democrat president to fix the mess.
If you are educated, read the explanation of why Obama is credited with the $9 trillion on his record. Maybe I will give you a hint:
Because the recession and the Bush tax cuts reduced tax receipts.
In 2010, the House gained 60 Republicans. That created a majority who elected a new House Majority Leader, John Boehner. Republicans won an additional six seats in the Senate, but not the majority. The Republicans wanted to reduce the deficit, keep the Bush tax cuts for everyone and eliminate Obamacare. The change meant Obama had to negotiate with the lame duck Congress. That enabled the Obama tax cuts to pass before the end of 2010. <---------:
I will add an opinionated question: I am pretty sure the tax cuts worked, right? They have been working stealthy for the last 6 years. Now, the new budget will tell us what’s the future. Obama’s administration legacy ended or it’s going to end this month. Nice economy, isn’t it?
So, Mr. Marcus, after I put you on the clear that you believe in the fake news by posting valid information about democrats cutting taxes when you said they don’t, and after reading you and others to be very opinionated about Berkley and violent rallies and so forth. Let me post this video, for anybody in this country to be a terrorist, he or she has to be brown. This is your government in action. I said, your government, not mine. Take your time and watch it.
Extending the Bush tax cuts wasn’t new tax cuts. The correct move would have been to immediately cut income taxes as we did 4 times prior. All 4 times resulting in 4%+ GDP growth not the 2% growth we saw under Obama.
JFK championed cutting taxes to increase economic growth. It didn’t happen until Johnson was president, but it worked. Most democrats wanted another new deal type spending stimulus. Johnson cut taxes which made the economy grow fatster and increased tax revenue.
Speaking of JFK, what’s the deal to keep it as a secret for more than 50 years? Are the people too dumb or too dangerous to know the truth? Or will it help the enemy to US? Or is there any dirty secret of our government?
Blah, blah, blah. You are a believer on those fake news, don’t you? I put you on the clear, you lied. You said democrats don’t cut taxes because of blah, blah, because of rich people blah blah blah.
Now, pay attention to your master: He is your leader, isn’t he?
In Septemstrong textber, Putin said that Mr. Trump was “not my bride, and I’m not his groom.” Asked how Russia would feel if Mr. Trump were impeached, Putin said it would be “absolutely wrong” for Russia to discuss U.S. politics. <-----but the moron, criminal, assassin is crying over how the Americans are exercising their first amendments, the rights he abolishes in Russia.
The proposals under discussion would potentially cap the annual amount workers can set aside to as low as $2,400 for 401(k) accounts, several lobbyists and consultants said on Friday. Workers may currently put up to $18,000 a year in 401(k) accounts without paying taxes upfront on that money; that figure rises to $24,000 for workers over 50. When workers retire and begin to draw income from those accounts, they pay taxes on the benefits.