It Gets Better By The Minute

The Gallup data.

Oh California.

I say build it, and then put a homeless services center next to it and wait for it to be naturally covered in shit

Lol trump approval rating is like 36%. You gotta read the fine print in whatever fake news site you are using


Which poll has Trump approval at 59%? That sounds pretty fake to me.

Gallup daily poll:

Tanking bigly. Disapproval is shooting up like a rocket. Compare that to Obamaā€™s first month in office:

Obama is a massive 24 points ahead of Trump. Trump is the most unpopular president in modern times. Even Nixon is more popular:

Carter is the model failed president for many on the right. Howā€™s his approval rating?

Data source:


Widely discredited Rasmussen poll. They donā€™t poll the general population, just a vaguely identified subset

Looks like my memory failed me on the 36% though

Popularity changes and sometimes the popular guy achieves nothing and a unpopular/controversial guy could achieve a great deal.

Popularity is more a measure of media attitudude. We all know that polls predicted Hillary won by a landslide but the opposite happened.

I would not read too much into the media and political polls. If you want to know the real feelings of the people, read the online user comments on twitter and Facebook. Thatā€™s more authentic. Public figures do not speak their mind, but regular joes are less afraid of expressing themselves online.

Remember that media is biased and that media bias did not prevent Trump from being elected.

Democracy is at work right now. After a leftist 8 years, you see the trend reverting for a few years. Trumpā€™s campaign language was more extreme, even that did not prevent him from getting votes from Latinos, Muslims, immigrants and whites

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I remember the late 70s wellā€¦It was a dark timeā€¦Nixon had destroyed the power and the image of the presidencyā€¦People were much more pessimistic than nowā€¦Inflation was a cancer that ate us aliveā€¦Carter was without a doubt the worst president in modern history. Oil was scarce, we were scaredā€¦ The Iranians humiliated him, played him like the chump he was and still isā€¦He now arrogantly goes around the world apoligizing to every tinpot dictator. Loves Cuba and Venezuela more than America. ā€¦Like Obama his arrogant attitude meant he couldnā€™t work with congress and achieved nothing! His only legacy is that he made us feel bad about ourselvesā€¦Reagan understood that all he had to do was make us feel good about ourselvesā€¦attitude is everything. ā€¦

Trump is also like that, he wonā€™t yield to the Lobby ridden congress proposals.

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Trump is a deal makerā€¦He settled on the bullshit lawsuit for his bullshit University. .He settled on bankruptcy several times, even though it tarnished his imageā€¦I bet he can work with congressā€¦Even Obama worked with them when he had a majority his first two yearsā€¦The next 100 days should be interesting ā€¦I suggest he makes a deal with Mexico. .maybe give them rights to immigrate legally in exchange for Bajaā€¦Cabo is basically American already and is 200 miles from the mainlandā€¦Image how much all the waterfront property would be worth if Americans could develop and buy it unrestricted

I hope he can make a deal to make Mexico our 51st state. I would support that!

Honestly, Trump has the potential to become a hugely successful president. His flaws are annoying but not fatal. His ability to manage is underestimated.

I continue to be impressed with his ability to convert Jil into a reliable fan. :slight_smile: if he can get Jil, he has potential to get 10s of millions of Americans. If some day, even Manch becomes a Trump fan, America will be in the top.


I listened to both Hillary and Trump since the beginning. Trump was setting unbelievable standards, bring back jobs from Mexico and Chinaā€¦etc. I did not believe him without knowing the plan. Now, it looks like he will achieve what he stated.

My only concern is lobby ridden congress. Even though republican majority congress, they may behave differently with Trump and may not agree with him.

His simple corp-tax 15% will make USA as tax haven state and every investor try to move money to USA.His move not to account imports (not VAT) will discourage importers. This may bring trade-war, but USA will definitely win when there is trade-wars.

Except, USA and Germany, no other major country economy is in good position to Challenge Trump. The more trade wars they create with USA, those countries will further get affected.

Agree, I do not think there would be a trade war that would hurt US. US imports so much from everyone. Tax cut is domestic policy, not even a legigitnate reason for a trade war

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Trump will get a 100 day honeymoon from republicansā€¦Dems who caresā€¦lets see what happensā€¦He is a businessman appointing businessmen to run the country. ā€¦America is number one in business in the worldā€¦We do it better than anyoneā€¦Meanwhile we have the most hated politicians in historyā€¦Congressional approval ratings are about 11%ā€¦Time to let the business mind have a go at running the country. .Got to be better than our selfserving small minded political hacks who spend 90% of their time kissing lobbyists buttholesā€¦Lets face it, Hill and Bill were the butt kisses in chiefā€¦time for something newā€¦

If you owe a bank $100k, you have to listen to the bank.
If you owe a bank $100 million, bank has to listen to you.

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[quote="BAGB, post:27, topic:1556, full:true"
Democracy is at work right now. After a leftist 8 years, you see the trend reverting for a few years. Trumpā€™s campaign language was more extreme, even that did not prevent him from getting votes from Latinos, Muslims, immigrants and whites

Democracy is at risk now. Trump is attacking the free press and pushing for increasing the size of the military and police force. He is also asserting voter fraud with the end goal of get his supporters to pass laws that will restrict voting rights for the poor, & minorities in this country. This puts America at serious risk of becoming a fascist government.

Look, I get it that people are pissed that their standard of living is stagnant to declining. I agree that the US needs immigration reform and we need to make it so that US companies cannot keep wages artificially low by flooding the workforce with workers on visa. BUT, Trump is not the answer. He is unstable and reckless. I dislike Pence on many levels but I would much rather have him as president.

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Very few Trump supporters in Bay Area have their living standard stagnant or declining. Most come from the traditional Republican base of middle to upper middle class. I hope the more open minded ones will re-examine their position in light of what happened last week.

In the bay, home owners havenā€™t seen their standard decline but renters have. Ultimately, the bay area is democrat by a vast majority. Letā€™s hope voters in swing states re-examine their position. If Trump screws them on healthcare/medicare or social security, they will.

Humans love to compare. Has it been that everybodyā€™s standard of living is stagnant to declining, it would be ok or at least less anger. Trump voters are not happy that they didnā€™t share in the prosperity of those who did, they felt left out. It doesnā€™t matter whether it is their faults or the system, as far as they are concerned, the President has to fix it for them i.e. they are entitled to share the prosperity! Screwed those whoā€™re perceived to have steal the prosperity from youā€¦ perceived, truth doesnā€™t matter.


This blog post is trending on twitter. I think it is worth a read. For the sake of America, letā€™s all hope this is crap.

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