It Gets Better By The Minute

People love to rip on us folk living out in the sticks but there’s definitely something to be said for places where this is what passes for serious crime. Not stalkers, not thieves, not druggies leaving needles everywhere.


Absolutely, I would take this for “front page news” if I could…

Unbelievable that he bought a Porsche right after…

You will be that “Porsche” that others will be riding behind bars…LOL

Czuba, the boy’s mother told investigators, was an “angry” man. His wife, Mary, told investigators that Czuba “listens to conservative talk radio on a regular basis” and became obsessed with the war between Hamas and Israel.

Talk about giving us landlords a bad name… (RIP Wadea)

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That’s just horrible. Just as bad as Hamas. I’m glad they’re keeping him in jail.

I don’t appreciate the jab at conservative talk radio. Conservatives are not calling for US citizens to go around killing children. We’re all watching the news whether it’s FOX or NBC - and it’s the same thing - Hamas did horrible things that we don’t ever want to see happen here. If he felt vulnerable and unsafe with renting to Muslims as an older man, he should simply have asked them to leave. Which would also have gotten them a news article on the situation, but not like this.

Poor BIG babies!!!


Wow unbelievable…

San Francisco DA Jenkins Panties Email: Staffer Fired (

Our communist city council man Scott Robbins is using his official city email to promote a Vacancy Tax voter initiative… Campaigning on city emails is illegal. I doubt he will be fired . But I hope it leads to a recall election…

This is how BAD it is. They are trying to find anything positive about Biden, so the sitting President winning a primary is newsworthy…

Well, like remote workers, the more you don’t hear/see them, the higher the chance that they will be the first ones to go.

Bad or good news, Trump is constantly in the news and in your ear. Gotta start somewhere. Not sure why we don’t hear more from Biden about how great the economy is doing. Don’t you want to force feed that into the minds and voting fingers of everyone out there?

People do not feel the economy is doing great. Most people are worse off now due to inflation. Telling people the economy is great will come off as tone deaf or caring more about Wall Street than Main Street.

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This way, if they get Trump thrown out of the general election by hook or by crook and Biden is the only one on the ballot outside fringe parties they can say his victory was overwhelming and he has massive support.
Just like a Russian election.

I thought democrats wanted to take down big business and support individuals. If they were intent and using their legislative power to do that, then why would they invest their money in the biggest corporations?

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In this case, follow HER money…

How else do you think they all become multi millionaires so quickly on their salaries?