Latest on Browns Choo Choo train

Two Former Governors Weigh In on California’s Bullet Train

California’s monumental effort to build a high-speed rail system is at a crossroads. Plus, daylight saving time may become permanent.

I totally forgot about this shit

If tech firms are the ones that need this, should chip in. Alternatively, wait for AV passenger vans from Apple :slight_smile:

Florida’s New Train Has Lessons for California

Send the bill to Elon Musk
Prop 1a authorization was for only $10billion. 15 years later billions have been wasted. No train yet. Budget has bloated to $200milion. Completion is at lest another 15 years away. With inflation the cost will balloon to $400bilion… huge fiasco. And doesn’t even count the Sacramento or San Diego legs or mass transit needed at all destinations… $1 trillion?… what about the train to Reno or Seattle?
Hopefully sanity will occur and scrap this nightmare. Supposedly FSD will eliminate the need just about the time it’s completed….

China spent $900 billion on 24,000 miles of HSR. We will spend half that on only 500 miles… time to try something else.
Example we could build 400,000 apartments or 200,000 houses for that amount of money. Isn’t the housing shortage and homelessness problem one helluva lot more pressing than traffic on Highway 5… no common sense in Sacramento…

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I’ve read, but can’t verify, that India’s lunar mission cost them less than what we spent to make the film “Interstellar.”