Let's Be Honest, This Doesn't Happen With Asians

What??? I want the best @tomato! :rage:

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God, and here I am (either in the wee late or early hours) searching the WWW (god, who says that anymore?) for relevant content to this spaceā€¦

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Going back to the original post, Steve Jobs was an asshole. Itā€™s well documented. He may be a genius but no doubt a fucking a-hole.

How many do you plan to pop out?

how many can @sfdragonboy afford to become the grandparent ofā€¦

He has 3 houses so 3 would be the minimum numberā€¦

Not many, if he drives a CRX, right @dioworld, right??? Man, no respect for the CRXā€¦

unless you have a type R engine in there.

Darwin? The cruel nature. The strongs get all the support. The weaks are left to die?


I donā€™t think its an issue of asians passing on inheritance while non-asians doesnā€™t. I think that non-asians do not know how to save and invest and be frugal. They like to spend everything and max out their CC and use their house as an ATM. So there is no inheritance to pass on. OTOH, asians live frugally, they save, they invest so they do have money to pass on to the next generation. Asians also like to max out on their house (as they treat it as an investment) and buy investment properties. This is a great way of accumulating wealth.

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Stereotyped too much hereā€¦

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yes, but still lot of truths to itā€¦

Look, all I ask is for some glimmer of hope or sweat is more like it out of these young punks. Parents coddled them and breastfed them to high school by driving them to school and backā€¦

i think asian were brainwash when weā€™re young
in hk when i was young always commericals like
宜ęœŖé›Øē¶¢ē¹†ļ¼Œå‹æč‡Øęø“ꎘäŗ• (preapre for rainy days, donā€™t wait until thirsty to dig a well)
å±…å®‰ę€å± (be prepare danger times even at the safe times)
All these things were brainwashed when weā€™re young so we donā€™t go live paycheck by paycheck, always prepare for the worse. so we donā€™t spend our max.

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Well, in that bastion of capitalism that is HK, of course you had to be brainwashed early or you werenā€™t going to cut it in the big leagues.

amercian brainwash : buy it buy it now, think laterā€¦spend the next paycheck first.


Which I suppose there is sooooome merit to it, but they live like tomorrow is the last day thoughā€¦

When the big one comes it will definitely be the last day. So yolo all the way babyā€¦ :rofl:

Donā€™t wish for that because they would rob and kill you. Genocide is not a criminal offense if they are the majority.