Millennials ain't all bad

Why not show off your body whenever you can? Be a nudist and let go of your inhibitions… :rofl:

I am not a millennial. I am already not as inhibited…

I think this article is fake news, but I don’t check people’s underwear at the gym like this creep does so I don’t know for sure.

Time for me to go to the gym.

Did not know you are interested in watching naked men… not that there’s anything wrong with it.

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Men in the women’s locker room? :roll_eyes:

I am a female in thinking/ behavior, so I can go to female bathroom and locker room. Please don’t be discriminative, manch. Be progressive. Open your mind.

There are a lot of creeps like Yoda and weirdos at the gym. There are a bunch of lockers available but some people HAVE to use the one next to yours. Really?

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But these people are women right? Or are they “women” for the occasion like @hanera?

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Humans going extinct… :rofl: