More Colleges Making SAT And ACT Optional

Yeah, drop the 1 requirement that actually is the same for all students. Brilliant! Might as well admit kids based on feelings and how well they can hug someone.


The ultimate is to do whatever you want. No need to learn how to read and write because you will not be needing them. Robots will do everything for you including… yes, that too. All you need to do is deep sleep in the matrix.

We’ll get there by the year 2050… :rofl:

Come on, @marcus335, just because you aced these exams… think about the less fortunate people, the underrepresented students who may not have access to expensive Princeton review courses and personalized tutoring sessions.

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People underestimate how important reading comprehension and communication is for corporate success. Even in Engineering organizations.


Agreed, especially right after ending a webcast this morning where technical folks were doing the show and tell. Marginal communication skills!!! Yes, and they were mostly my peeps, Asians…

Let’s implement a race based carriculum. Asians have to do advanced English, advanced history, advanced writing, 3 public speaking courses in order to be eligible for colleges. Without these extra courses, no GED for Asians

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Well, considering where all of the jobs are (Engineering, Computers, etc) are you going to make the non-Asians take math and engineering classes until they are blue in the face too??? Fair is fair…

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The hidden message is please leave.

Ok, that’s a bad idea. Delete

OMG. I just realized that I can do far better (and enjoy more) in advanced English, history, and writing than math and engineering. Even though I’m Asian :rofl:

But you wouldn’t be Mr. Retired Money Bags today, now would you???

Did you miss out public speaking?

Any path can lead to success.


J K Rowling

Yes, I’d wipe out all competition in public speaking and debate :rofl:

One of million writers… Tell me how many average engineers do well in life???

Just go into music and get it over with your parents disowning you.

This is exactly what colleges want to do anyways.

OK. I can agree with you that a high English SAT score is not necessary if you’ll agree that proficiency in English itself, both spoken and written, is important even for a Tech job.

This is effective for asians born abroad. American asians born here will be fine. You need more racist way to separate :slight_smile: