More rent control BS

Road to Homeless
will see how many owner will sell instead if SFH includes in rent control

Well, the BOS is saying that if Prop 10 wins and it allows cities to decide what they want to do some of them would consider exempting single family homes from rent control to help the small time owners. We’ll see…

Everything starts from oh i’ll be nice to you,don’t worry. after 1-2 years, they’ll say FU small time owner, you charging too much, let the tenant take over the house forever


Tenant organization is pushing for rent control again, even in Concord. Here’s their PR through the journalist

This is from July 2018. Is this still relevant after rent control’s loss in the midterm elections?

Hmm? Tenant organization can still push for rent control on older multi family buildings. Single family house, condos and new mutifamily is safe from rent control due to the lovely Costa Hawkins

Oh,sorry. Thought this was applicable for single family homes.

If you don’t care about multi family, they will make single family under some kind of control as well. They can forbid you from evicting tenant, making it very expensive or impossible for you to get out of rental business etc

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What percent are actually evicted each year? It seems like an irrational fear.

Eviction in Concord should be very small. The headline saying 75% of Concord residents are fearing eviction, however only 42% of the residents are tenants. It’s apparently fake news for media’s liberal agenda.

Fake media + bogus poll = ???

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Haha, home owners fear eviction!

This is the organization that’s promoting this BS “75% resident fearing eviction” BS. These kind of organization is the commies in action.

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How did they conduct the “poll”? “survey of 968 residents conducted at public gathering places such as child care centers, clinics, parks and places of worship.” A highly curated sample.

The problem is that media would ignore good articles but would spread these BS like wildfire

“As a result, 93 percent of Concord residents reported worrying their rents will increase, and 80 percent said they have received a rent hike in the past two years, according to the survey of 968 residents conducted at public gathering places such as child care centers, clinics, parks and places of worship.”

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DC has rent control. Another reason we should ignore it

Aren’t you a landlord in SF?

SF at least has appreciation and no snow. Also SF still have some normal industry. I can’t trust DC whose main industry is government.

DC is 45% black and 36% non-Hispanic white. Can the black residents get some good federal government jobs?

It’s interesting that black people are moving to the South now. That can explain the decreasing black population in many cities. Liberals are talking about racial equality all day but black people actually love the South.

You should not buy in DC itself. Look at the suburbs around it. Even Amazon is not located in DC. It’s in Virginia.

Amazon would have minimal impact on DC metro over the long term. It’s big and already has too many jobs. Plus, tech winter is coming soon.

I would choose Austin over Virginia

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