Careful: I would not touch anything until volatility is over (after possible cure to Caronovirus ! ) as market may drop any level, we do not know the bottom at this stage !
so i still have 1/3rd of my liquid assets still in VOO (luckily i had sold out 1/3 before friday). I don’t mind holding it long term (no other use for my cash), but if i want to protect against further down side, do I just buy a medium term put against it?
e.g. if i have 200 shares of VOO, do i buy 2 puts to hedge against further downdraft? and at least limit any further losses? the worst scenario for me if i buy this put would be that VOO trades between my purchase price of the stock and the sell price of my put.
I will have MSFT, AAPL, GOOGL, AMZN and TSLA limited quantities, but will have better dividend companies with higher allocation.
I consider all these 5 companies almost zero dividend even though MSFT & AAPL gives dividend.
Somehow, I am not even attracted to these MSFT, AAPL, GOOGL, AMZN on heavy investments as they are heavy Trillion level.
If I buy 1000 shares of GM ($24710), I get 6% dividend cash flow with P/E = 5.40
If I buy 100 shares of AAPL ($27797), I get 1.11% dividend cash flow with P/E = 21.95
For buy and hold, my cash flow in is higher with GM.
If you like yield so much, should apply same logic for RE. Buy in Austin and not in SV.
Notice many cloud/SAAS/AI stocks are at attractive price. The initial jump is going to be large once a vaccine or cure is available - Could happen once Phase 3 trials are successful. So when to buy them for long term is on the mind of many investors.
Is trading at a higher price that I liquidated Still in cash… wondering which are the RIGHT cloud/SAAS/AI stocks to invest in. Any ideas? Since you’re still in the industry but I’m retired and can only do armchair analysis.
My principle was simple. If I missed selling before 10% drop in a massive downturn, I will ride through the bottom with the stock. I lost lot of money selling at the bottom in 2000 and 2008. Therefore, I am happy that I kept TWLO and other cloud recommended here and did not sell and locked my losses… Cloud and tech seems to be recovering a bit faster than SP500.
10% is a good threshold. If you loose 10 you only need 11 bounce back to recover. If you loose 50%, you need 100% bounce back to recover. Therefore, I have learnt the lesson well. No selling in downturn (not in normal market ) if the stock drops all of the sudden below 10%. Such sudden drops are never due to stock or the fundamentals it represents. Of course one must understand the business and cause of massive broad market crash.
Attached a snapshot of selected stocks. Can consider those gain less than 5% as losers.
Specifically, they are: BYND, FB, GOOG, SNPS, BABA, BIDU, IQ, TEAM, SQ, WDAY, PANW.
Good article. Can we say this crisis will push ZOOM to the limelight it was missing so far?
This crisis has forced people to use remote services like never before: remote schooling, teledoctor, working remote with no or little office visit for days and week for almost 80% of workforce.
Yes, we can do, but remember there will be dividend cuts soon, and resume after oil pricing is up.
XLE is energy sector, see portfolio all oil and explorations sectors, depended on oil price recovery which needs OPEC agreement (failed between Saudi and Russia)