Next 10x Stock Winner

I’m ok with it. I have covered calls expiring Friday. Then it can rally.


Things are not going well… In a sea of green, I see red,


No wonder I saw similar chart pattern. I used to own all four, now only TWLO.

Incidentally TSLA is also red.

Look at BYND ! Fundamentals are positive, but market priced wrongly !!

What fundamentals? It’s definitely not the cash flow or profits. What happened to your proclamation to avoid money losing companies because they’ll go bankrupt?

You need to read last qtr/year 10Q for confirmed correct financial results data.

Fundamentals? Year 2019 sales 280M, year 2020 sales forecast 500M, straight 75% jump on sales.

IMO, they won’t go bankrupt in next 5 years as their sales is strong, growing. They will achieve profits within that period.

Startup take 3 years to break even. They are startup growing on revenue, soon become profitable. But, by that time we know about profits, stock would be higher level. This is almost like TSLA, but do not have strong moat like TSLA.

There are some fundamental sheets shared free by Forbes analysts rating at $135/share. That is the best to review and understand.

Btw: Like TSLA, when stock jumps, they may dilute with follow on when they cross 1Bln sales

Well, it’s a good thing they were founded in 2009 and are 11 years old…

Another one bite the dust. All my cloud picks are down :sob: the toilet.
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WS might be risk off, slowly selling loss-making businesses that focus on “growing revenue”. These businesses are vulnerable to recession. So far price charts of cloud and SAAS stocks are ugly. I might have to cut loss :sob: wondering whether these businesses can withstand economic slowdown arising from prolonged disruption of supply chains.

Bezos should buy ZM and have everyone in Amazon work from home.

Seattle = Wuhan !!!


Amazon already has chime which is a “competitor“ of zoom.

I have never heard anyone uses Chime. Does even Amazon use that internally?

Yes, it’s used internally. I’ve heard of one other company using it. It has text IM but doesn’t have the ability to create channels the way slack does. Then it has the video capabilities and ability to host meetings too. It’s sold thru AWS as an add-on product.

TWLO still a hold?

Not sure now.

ContraFect Announces U.S. FDA Grants Breakthrough Therapy Designation to Exebacase for the Treatment of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bacteremia, Including Right-Sided Endocarditis

Based on our interactions with the FDA regarding streamlined development of exebacase, this single Phase 3 study, in addition to the full package of data generated to date, may serve as the basis of a Biologics License Application for FDA review and potential approval of exebacase. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the FDA to expedite the development of this promising product candidate.”

TWLO is giving lot of grief.

Something bad not known in public?

@hanera and @Jil and others who may know this stuff

So does your broker need to support LEAP Calls? I was mucking around the UX on Merrill Edge (what I use) to try to learn this stuff. I see the ability to buy / sell calls, puts, shot strangle, long strangle, spread and roll. I don’t see LEAN Calls. Is it automatically a leap call if you buy a call that is one year out?



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