Next 10x Stock Winner

That’s what I am trying to determine. Sell on this news or keep it until confirmed news comes in

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There is no acquisition news yet. Only news is that Fastly’s new CFO has been involved in a string of acquisitions.

It’s true acquisition takes place with a price premium. But a premium over what price though? If Fastly falls another 50% but gets acquired at 100% premium you are just treading water. Just an example to illustrate the math. Not saying those are the likely numbers.

I think they hit a floor for now. The stock tanked because guidance for Q2 was lowered, but they maintained full-year guidance. Now we know that’s because the Apple project launched later than expected, and it’s adding a lot of revenue. FSLY focuses purely on the premium end of content delivery and leaves the mid and lower tiers to others. At least, that’s what they do now.

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@hanera, your thoughts on PLTR?

I have plenty of PLTR :grinning:

BILL 29%+

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Do you own this BILL? My tenant work for BILL.!

I sold prematurely :sob: Was highly recommended by @marcus335. So far his recommendations are good, SHOP, TWLO, etc recommended in 2017.

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Bill had blowout revenue growth. My average purchase price is $118.


wday gapped up big.Any thoguht?

Wow. Yes I missed as well!.

My Average price also $118

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Yet another that I sold too early.

How do you deal with such gap ups (like bill and wday)? Do you buy now or is it too late and risky?

I wait. There’s usually consolidation after a gap up. Chasing is usually bad. There will be some macro bad news that’ll cause a price dip.


Good piece on datadog.
They are pushing into the security space now too.

I am trying to avg up in small amounts now. My overall ag price is in the 90s. Should’ve bought more earlier this year. :frowning:

In comparison to New Relic who are growing at 10%, ddog is growing at 60+%.


10x is passe’ The in-thing to do is to look for 100 baggers in a lifetime that we can buy NOW (not in the past :slight_smile: ).

According to Christopher, so far only 365 stocks qualified.

In other words, we are looking for stocks with market cap $1B-$10B to grow into $100B-$1T respectively.

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Data analytics and cybersecurity are merging. Off the cuff, the hot names are:

I use to own bits and pieces of above. Now focus on PLTR.

DDOG is good, unfortunately I sold it during the Panda scare. Did you consider PLTR? Do TAM of DDOG and PLTR overlaps?

Havent done overlap analysis
I own PLTR too. Bought at 10$. Might add more.


My avg is $23.52 :grimacing: Hesitated a lot because JC doesn’t like it, so didn’t buy it at $10s.