No more stocks for me. Just real estate investments

What a weasel you are. It’s not “cold”, but “tough” :slight_smile:

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I can not do that, but likely (thinking) hold some stocks when it reaches above 50% appreciation.

Whether it is right or wrong, I am thinking market is over reacting and will recover soon as the economy is strong now.

You belong to one of those many. I’m one of those rare fools who held AAPL through many 30-50% and 60-90% declines for over 20+ years.


When buy you stocks like Tesla you have to expect big swings. AMD and Amazon have had huge ytd increases. Huge downturns are always possible.

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Everyone has their own tolerance level and strategy. Let’s all agree that between RE and stocks we all can make some money and be that much more financially strong than someone who literally doesn’t do anything other than collect a paycheck and gives Uncle Sam his cut.

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@sfdragonboy I totally agree that you have to invest your savings. Holding cash, other than for near term needs, is guaranteed recipe for losing to inflation.

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Just saw this article.

Stock is the best to achieve the best return, in theory.

In real life and for the real people, most of the wealth is from real estate.

Real estate is easy. Stock is not that easy. On this forum, seems that only hanera and Manch achieved great returns in stock. Everyone else made more money in RE.

Actually hanera might be the only one. Manch might still have made more profit on RE than stocks due to recent stock market turmoil.

SFBA is not the place to have a former class 100 clean room as staging ground. Burning way too much money here to assemble cars. Remember NUMMI, Toyota massive layoffs?. More than 2 times left neighborhood as ghost towns. Ditto on Milpitas with Ford Mustang plant. That took years for RE to recover.

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It’s about 3 months since I got out of the stock market and I have to thank my stars for that. I had no clue that FAANG stocks would drop this much in such a short time. Now I think the market is at a great value. At least we seem near the bottom, ready for the run up for next 2 years.



You need to start a sticky thread, title, better be lucky than to be smart

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So when are you getting back in? Remember, you have to be right twice or all your effort will get wasted.


Given the drop, I think I have the cushion to wait a little. I feel February will be a safe time if I am selective about stocks. All the damage will be done by then.

You are simply great ! I would have come out at that time that would have saved appx 100k :grin: Now, there is no point in coming out.

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There was no point to come out even back then.

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Every time, I was thinking the same, “no point of coming out now”. May be, after a month too ! Every time, I feel as if drowned deep in water :rofl:

The one good thing is coming out of Margin money usage and another is buying Puts to grow.

I retired having made nearly all my investment gains in stocks and very little in real estate. Partly because I can’t stand living in the popular places. Houses have property taxes, insurance, and upkeep. If they’re rentals there’s always the chance of getting majorly stiffed or having the place ruined.
Stocks have no carrying costs other than the returns one might have gotten elsewhere. What keeps me in the market during downturns isn’t the certainty that things will always come back. It’s the certainly that if they don’t ultimately dollars will be worthless as well as there is nothing behind the dollar other than the ability of Uncle Sam to tax the economy - which ultimately determines equity valuation as well. And even in a downturn those stocks pay dividends which pay the bills.
You want safety? There is none. Even with arable land and the tools and skills to farm and defend it you don’t have doctors, mechanics, etc. unless you want to retreat to your own mini-society which is self sufficient. But that’s giving up more comfort than most people would want to.


RE is safer than stocks. People with stocks are panicking in this bear market. I wonder how they survived 2009. Stocks can take a long time to come back. It took many years from 1929 to 1952 and from 1967 to 1982 and 2000-2012 for stocks to recover in the past. Stocks are too easy to sell and are taxed if there was a profit. Sell now and you are guaranteed a tax on your gains. I have many retired friends that have never recovered from the 2008-9 crash. One is washing dishes at Applebee’s to survive. He is 75 years old.
Lost everything in 2009 in Vegas RE and stocks. Double whammy.


I think you are too one-sided. He lost his money in both RE and stock. Yet you only blamed stocks and turned a blind eye on RE.


Well, Sin City RE is known to be fairly speculative (boom and then bust). Essentially he bet poorly on both investment vehicles. It is not like he had a multi unit building in Pac Heights.