Ok, 65-1.... Game Over Folks?

Meanwhile in current events being ignored

He’s #2 guy at the DNC. So democrats are going nuts over Kavanaugh allegedly inappropriate touching 35 years ago are ok with this guy beating his girlfriend. No one is calling for him to resign. Way to have a consistent standard of valuing women.

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Did you forget Al Franken? He resigned for far less then the president

Well at least now you confirmed your blatant bias. Franken had 8 women accuse him of being inappropriate. One of whom was famous and posted about it on twitter. There was nowhere to hide. Some how Trump having consensual sex with women is far worse?

Ellison allegedly abused a woman who isn’t famous and the media is looking the other way. So much for caring about women. It’s like when Hillary says she believes female victims, and they need to be heard. Unless they’re Bill’s victims. Then they’re lying scumbags. Nothing like verbally claiming the high road while actions show they’re taking the low road.

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So Kavanaugh takes the initiative. Will it work, with the mounting accusations???

The only thing on Trump is the consensual sex? He denied it, he committed campaign finance violations to cover it up and that was not the only one. He claims to have walked in on underage women (Ms Teen America) in their changing rooms to leer at them. There is the famous pussygate videos. There were 14 credible reports of sexual harassment (or worse against him). so don’t downplay Trump


“The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.”

Damn it! Can anyone recall a game score where 65-3 is a losing cause for the 65 side???

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I don’t believe any of this, just like how they say Richard Liu of JD is a rapist. Men with money and/or power tend to be targets of unscrupulous women who can’t get their way.

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every man is a rapist here, i think kavanaugh raped my goat 20 years ago. i’m going to tell our media that tmr.

Really? have you seen how many times Kavanaugh’s statement has shifted in the last 48 hours as more stuff keeps dropping? In the Fox news interview - “I am a churchboy, virigin, never drank before 18, super respectful of women” - today in his prepared testimony - “well I wasn’t always perfect. Sometimes I drank too much but only on weekends, and occasionally i was disrespectful of women”. He’s coming across as a liar. Also we know he has lied under oath based on what he said under questioning of Senator Feingold during his confirmation to the circuit and what came out during his document disclosure this year.


48 hours ago
Yes there were parties. And the drinking age was 18, and yes the seniors were legal and had beer there and yes people might have had too many beers on occasion … I think all of us have probably done things we’d look back on in high school and regret or cringe about - but that’s not what we’re talking about,’ Kavanaugh said.

48 hours after
Dr. Ford’s allegation dates back more than 36 years, to a party that she says occurred during our time in high school. I spent most of my time in high school focused on academics, sports, church, and service. But I was not perfect in those days, just as I am not perfect today. I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes I had too many. In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now. But that’s not why we are here today. What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior. I never did anything remotely resembling what Dr. Ford describes

And what does that has to do anything with this case? maybe bay area schools are bad, i don’t know anyone hasn’t drink in college days.

And third accuser say she got gang rape in 82, and she said she attended over 10+ parties from 81-83, so tell me is she looking for more gang rape after 82? or maybe she’s just enjoying it.

" The new accuser, Julie Swetnick, was identified by her lawyer Michael Avenatti on Twitter Wednesday morning. In a sworn statement prepared by Avenatti and submitted to committee, Swetnick said that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were present at a party where she was drugged and “gang raped.”

Swetnick did not identify Kavanaugh or Judge as her attacker in that incident. She said in her statement that there are two witnesses who can attest to her account, but she has not identified them publicly."

It’s a crime to be at a party where a crime is committed even if you had no part in the crime? This isn’t even accusing Kavanaugh of doing anything wrong. It’s saying he was a party where something bad happened. She doesn’t even say he knew about it or helped hide it or anything.

Didn’t follow this issue :blush: Does something happen during High School affects his future performance?

I think he play too many street figher II.

witness say Kavanaugh always skip class to local arcade store to play street figher II, during the play, he’s always very violent. victim said she’s so afraid of playing against him(play chun li) he’s always play guile, he always use the body throws, invisible throw to virtually sexually harass me.
He just enjoys the domination.

So men with money never do bad things.

Just look at these men’s bank accounts and no need for trials.

Not what I said. If there is honey lying around there will be bees hovering over it.

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So whether the man is rich and powerful doesnt matter then. We still need to have investigations and look at evidence.

By the way I think it’s the opposite. Rich and powerful men tend to do more bad things because they can get away with it.

Everything is about sex. Except sex, it’s about power.

That is exactly why I say no to private schools!!!

Also we are talking about putting this man on a lifetime seat on the highest court in the country. It’s totally different from a criminal trial. So stop confusing the two.

It’s enough for the public to have serious doubt about the man’s character. It’s enough for him to be unpopular. Right now he’s both.

Two words: Clarence Thomas

Correction: SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas