PA slowdown

This is accurate. You do need to realize a big component of that is RSUs. Usually comp break down is something like 150k base and 250k stock. If they have been able to survive 4 year cycle at one place, they are probably easily making that or more. 2 SWE in their 30s with 10 years exp at FANG companies should easily reach total comp of 1M or more.


I doubt that these SWEs will marry each other though. We are talking about a hypothetical situation here. I think less than 1%. I certainly had the least desire to marry a fellow SWE back in my days.

No, it happens with all H1Bs, both are working in SWE and good companies, esp in bay area. The percentage of Double income in SWE is very common.

But, how many will go to 4M home is questionable.

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Also we may be extrapolating people’s peak income as if it’s the stable equilibrium. It may be, or it may be not. One of the spouses may work part time or quit altogether. Or the skill one has is no longer hot and command less 10 years later. There’s also layoff.

It’s great these people are making 1mm a year. Call me crazy but I don’t want to count on that going on forever. Better be a bit conservative and be FIRE instead.

Ok maybe it is common now but I certainly have encountered only a few back in my days…

FIRE is for people like you and me who are mediocre with our practices at best.

This has started around 1995, appx the boom brought all Techy people to bay area and increasing every year now. For those who landed around 2008-2010, now they have sufficient saving to make deals.

Um… I’m not that old… :rofl:

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My guess is buyers at 4-5M range should have enough assets to buy in cash but choose to get a loan to avoid having to sell too many stocks. I have a friend in the business of selling life insurance who once told me that he has talked to many many silicon valley engineers from all kinds of backgrounds, and the vast majority of them are pretty fiscally conservative. That’s why life insurance products with no-downside-risk-but-capped-upside-potential are preferred over traditional all-market-risk types.

Is there any data on the average size of loans on properties at this price range?

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You remind me of one of my colleague who told me that he regretted he didn’t pay any attention to his female classmates at engineering school and married to the lady who studied literature instead. He successfully made me and his wife feel bad at the same time. :neutral_face:

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Why regret? Reason?

Shakespeare lady is probably not nerdy enough for him.

He’s speaking in kilowatts and his wife is speaking in sonnets.

Absolutely true. Know multiple Indian and Chinese couples who are software engineers.

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He was paying tuition for his wife’s degree to be a librarian. His main complaint was about financial burden although i guess it was half joke.

Yes I was thinking along the same line :smile:

For those who have watched the youtube that I posted long ago, the Google guy said after 5 years, the good ones get $300-$500k inclusive of all benefits. Most stagnant at this range.

However, what BAJacket said is possible since the market had roared since 2009. Quite a few up by more than 10x :slight_smile: 1000%. A few roar more than 5x the past 5 years. However, going forward, this may not continue.

That lady is not J.K. Rowling?

Half joke is also half truth.
In a digital world, it is likely true.

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These are very calculating people. Their marriage was likely more of a financial arrangement than love.