Push For Universal Basic Income?

Low IQ doesn’t mean retarded. It’s an inability to make complex calculations. Worst hit subject is math and tech. But can excel in sports and art. Also, can still have very high EQ.

Those countries are screwed in terms of under standing financial concepts and developing technology though. They’ll never have a high median income. They’ll always be cheap labor for the more intelligent countries.

Yes unfortunately. It is a cruel cruel world out there. But at least they did better than the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines. Those people got wiped out and their land taken away by a more “intelligent” race.


Hey, Singaporeans didn’t do that.

Who were the original inhabitants of Singapore? The Austronesians? Or Negritos? If you are talking about the Negritos then they have been completely wiped out. If you are talking about the Austronesians, they are only 15% of the overall population. The rest of the people (Chinese and Indians) are immigrants/“colonists”.

As far as Singaporeans are concerned, the island was bought from Malaysia by British using cold hard pounds :slight_smile:

The British were the worst when it comes to colonization and committed countless crimes against humanity by exterminating native populations of their colonies.

Singapore declared independence on 7 August 1965. What British did or didn’t do, current Singaporeans don’t need to take responsibility. AFAIK, British didn’t commit any hideous crime, it just that they want to go back home.

Why do you care whether Singaporeans should take responsibility or not? Aren’t you supposed to be an American?

The Japanese killed 25000 Singaporeans during the occupation.
The British didn’t kill anyone…

When Raffles arrived, it was estimated that there were around 1,000 people living in the whole of the island of Singapore, mostly local groups that would become assimilated into Malays and a few dozen Chinese.[22][23] The population increased rapidly soon after Raffles’ arrival; the first census of 1824 shows that 6,505 out of the 10,683 total were Malays and Bugis.[24] Large number of Chinese migrants also started to enter Singapore just months after it became a British settlement, by the census of 1826, there were already more Chinese than Malays excluding Bugis and Javanese.[25] Due to continual migration from Malaya, China, India and other parts of Asia, Singapore’s population had reached nearly 100,000 by 1871, with over half of them Chinese.[26] Many Chinese and Indian immigrants came to Singapore to work in the rubber plantations and tin mines, and their descendants later formed the bulk of Singapore’s population.[27]

British might not have killed anyone in Singapore but their atrocities against the Native Americans and Australian aborigines in other parts of the world is enough to make them the “worst of the worst”.

Of all the conquerors in the world Genghis Khan is the worst, Then Hitler, then the Japanese, then the Romans then maybe the Russians with a whole hearted slaughter of natives in Siberia in the 17th century…Pretty much the nature of humanity…Mao killed even more Chinese people than the Japanese, maybe 40m

Although Mao killed more people, his intention was good (great leap forward), only it didn’t work out (famine). This is different from the kind of malicious genocide of an “inferior” race we are talking about here.

The Brits were the most benign of all the great empires.
The Spanish slaughtered many more in South America, and their empire was short lived.
Most Native Americans died of diseases like small pox, not from warfare.

The American empire has killed a lot of people with little benefit to America or our adversaries. Let the Chinese police the world. Everyone hates cops. Why should the US be the worlds policeman?

But then there was also the malicious act of some colonists intentionally infecting the Native people with smallpox, knowing that they didn’t have immunity to it.

However, I agree that America shouldn’t police the world. China also will not police the world, it’s not part of its culture to tell others what they should or shouldn’t be doing.

Ok, Stockton it is…

Here it comes.

Of course, it would phase out by income. It’s effectively income redistribution. There’s zero mention of annual cost. We’re long past that mattering.

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Time to leave.

Maybe it can be gamed. Adopt 10 illegal kids; that’s $36,000 a year. Feed them on rice and beans purchased in bulk. Sleep 'em bunkhouse fashion. Make 'em work for that plate of rice and beans. They’ll be fine with it. Enroll them all in ObamaCare.

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