San Francisco Is The Place To Be

Is not climate change. Is incompetent.

Jason’s suggestion, “For appointment of public figures, should adopt ‘Black cat, white cat, the one that caught the mouse is a good cat’ approach. Political alignment is irrelevant. DEI metric shouldn’t be used .”

I live in a county where the fire danger is extreme based on geography. The median income is $21,000 a year. If we can accomplish enough fuel reduction to mitigate risk than why can’t a county with the wealth of LA?
If you try to take fire out of a fire adapted ecosystem you’re hosed. You need to reduce fuel loads in a managed way or nature will do it in an unmanaged way. It’s that basic. Firewise the community with large breaks and fuel reduction and then firewise the individual properties. Have defensible space. No crap in your gutters or vents. Asphalt shingle roofs. Vegetation cleared back. Elimination of ladder fuels which transport fire into the trees. Nothing flammable under your deck. Not enough fuel to support a fire which can burn down the house. And so on. We have a mobile firewising van that shows up at most public events.


Science does NOT attribute this to climate change. Click bait garbage linked to “scientists” who have an ax to grind links it to climate change. The climate is always changing. Humans have always adapted. “Climate change” is just an excuse for inaction and failure.


This is billionaire Lynda Resnick, her family owns 60-75% of the water in California

I didn’t screw up in the way you said, so is fine 🫨

Reply for last twitter post?


As for both twitter posts - fuel should be reduced so that there isn’t enough to support such a huge conflagration and piping and other infrastructure should be adequate for emergency situations.
This is LA county we’re talking about, not some third world country.

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