Senior care cost

Cities allow up 6 unrelated adults per house in R1 neighborhoods. Thus zoning allows small residential care homes in typical neighborhoods. Can be lucrative. Up $12k per month per resident less expenses.

Iā€™m curious then why theyā€™re closing. As I said, Iā€™ve seen 3 go for sale in the last, say, 5 yearsā€“all in Woodside Plaza.

Flipping maybe more lucrative. I have seen a few converted back to sfhs. Takes a lot of work converting either way. The ramps, added bathrooms and exits change a house a lot.

I have seen places not taking medicare though.

Interesting. I saw one inside and the only issue was lack of a tub. I donā€™t mind the ramp.


Ramps have to be a each exit. Can be a lot of ramps

Iā€™m good with that. :slight_smile: Would be handy when my mom visits.

Sure, we all can perfect our skateboarding skillsā€¦

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See - itā€™s good for teenagers and their skateboard too! Can sell at a premium.

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Itā€™s very expensive to operate the elderly care business due to too many lawyers and too many government regulations. Government and lawyers will make people bankrupt.

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LLC. Thatā€™s fine. High risk high reward.

If you are involved in day to day care, LLC wonā€™t protect you from liability. If you are an absentee owner of the place, you may or may not be liable

I for sure wouldnā€™t be working day to day, i have a day job :slight_smile: if i ever do it, that is, i would still set it up so that someone else would take care of operations. I am really too busy for that.

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Yeah, I didnā€™t think you would be changing bed pans for a livingā€¦

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Heh even for ā€œmanagementā€, would find someone else.

This is still interesting. It sounds like elder care, but it is still real estate business, whose payments are made through eldercare. Interesting indeed.

Dang it, @tomato, focus on how you can make a prefab Ferrari for $15k. Now, that, is would be interestingā€¦

I would be fine with 30K shelby. still waiting to pull the trigger for it:)

Tomato, go for it. Itā€™s a lucrative business. Everyoneā€™s working, and parents donā€™t want to be a burden to the kids. This is the new future in elder-care.


Come on, letā€™s not egg on a Google employee to go exclusively into senior care as a career changeā€¦