Speaking of transparency. Flynn resigns, Benghazi for years but not for this traitor?

The NSA may be holding information from Trump’s administration since there’s a rumor that says anything they say in security council meetings Putin gets to know it immediately.
Next, Trump resigns. Please.

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Michael Flynn last July: “If I did a tenth of what [Hillary Clinton] did, I would be in jail”

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We have a clueless president in the white house. God saves us from our own demise. Where is the vindictive, “patriot” congress looking into this worse than Hillary’s emails?

Are the commies holding the congress now?

“Flynn stepped down after a series of leaks revealed he had lied to top White House officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, about the extent of his conversations with the Russian envoy. On Monday, the Washington Post again reported that the Department of Justice had informed the White House of the dangers of Flynn’s ties with Russia in January. But last week, Trump told reporters he had not heard of any such report.”

He misled about the conversation. When it was discovered, he resigned. What do you want to happen?

Hillary “misled” too.
And even Trump says he never saw any warning from the department of justice about Flynn being too cozy with Putin.

“On Monday, the Washington Post again reported that the Department of Justice had informed the White House of the dangers of Flynn’s ties with Russia in January. But last week, Trump told reporters he had not heard of any such report.” <------------- Too much twitter?

Both are a loving commie-liar bunch.

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I’d bet money Trump told him to tell the Russians not to worry about the sanctions. 3 Trump team members resign due to Russian connections (Manafort, Flynn, Page). This is coming from the top down. Question is will Flynn turn on Trump and blow the lid off of this…


Trump is the most incompetent president in modern history. He put up some shows signing exec orders that did little. The Muslim Ban did something but misfired on him bigly. Meanwhile his team is leaking like a sinking ship…

No wonder this guy has been bankrupt multiple times. He’s just a really, really awful manager.

Now with Flynn gone, it’s Bannon time. The knife is already out for Priebus.


In the beginning, my contempt for this guy was for generalizing that Mexicans were all criminals. But later, it turned into a circus when he started to lie to this teeth and the deplorable were laughing like it was the carnival. Then, his unstoppable love for a communist like Putin really put the top on the ice cream of my not hatred, but something in the real of despising him.

I fear for the future of this country, the reports say he is so incompetent, so immature, so draconian that the white house personnel fear for their minute mistakes that can cost them their jobs. He is a show man, anything and everything needs his approval, that is, if he is not on Twitter.

The king is walking naked, his followers still in love with him.

I love what our president is doing. I absolutely hated obama and i don’t go into those argument. Everyone has their own political preference and their reason of supporting the one they supported.
To me and a lot of people , we believe obama is the worse president ever.


Welcome to the world where all scandals, treasonous actions from government “take care of themselves”.

Where’s Benghazi committee when we need it? Oh, closed! Why? Oh, I know, the elections are over. Hmmm…no wonder the republicans only intervene when a traitor is democrat.

If I were a Mexican, I wouldn’t like “my president” to call me a criminal.
Or, if an Asian, him cracking a joke about “make a deal”.


he is not talking ALL mexicans are criminal. come on
I’m not going to get offended by these little things, he is exactly doing what he’s promising during campaign, this is more important to me. Oh… btw, i see on TV a lot of people is cracking joke and mocking him everyday, so what’s the deal here?

just like we are against slave labor against china, fighting for living wage for $15, in the meantime, they fully support low wage illegal immigrant doing slavery labor doing farm work.

Anyway, I’ll put a stop here. you believe one thing and i believe another and that’s fine. Just please limit your post please.

Exactly what I thought. You want to whine and complain, but you can’t even say what you want done about it.

I know what I want. Have a full blown investigation done by Congress and FBI. Look into ties between Trump, his staff and Russia.


My only concern in regards to Trump is when did he find out about potential ties and what was the gap between that and action.

He knew for several weeks and continued to let Flynn sit in on sensitive meetings until his resignation this week.


When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

The US is finally reaching the dumbfounding level as the famous draining the swamp meme was put out there by Trumputin.

“When Mexico sends its people”…Need to say anymore? Just replace it with China, India, Korea, Japan, and you will see yourself portrayed in that stupid comment. If you don’t think Trump would despise you for being from Japan or else, sorry, you are delusional. Check his cabinet, Bannon, and the support of white supremacists through the US.

I think I know how to read English, do you?

I watch the video , did you? you obviously get manipulated by our great media

My wife, coworker and me watch the video, the way we see is is that the YOU is that he is referrring the good people in the stadium ( THE GOOD MEXICAN) please

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

I’m out, obviously we see things completely in different view

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