Tesla’s trillion dollar valuation is fast approaching

True, I passed my real dream of TSLA reaching 1T to you ! :rofl:

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Institutions will err on the safe side.

Musk has always lived on hype. It is amazing that anyone actually believes in FSD. But anything is possible in a world where Bitcoin even exists. Unreality is the world of today. Where Kardashians are celebrated for having absolutely no talent. Where the US is considered responsible for the war in Ukraine and where homeless people have more rights than homeowning taxpayers.
I feel like Rip Van Winkle waking up in the Twilight Zone.

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Some part I respectfully disagree, mainly on hype. In investment world, hype runs very short term.

Musk is an ambitious innovator, he over commits and apply pressure of his dreams which is where the issue started and issues are still there.

Initially no one believed that he can deliver such a volume of cars on the road, stocks were priced very low. Now, market has seen volume and priced in 50% growth (revenue/income) YOY next 5 years.

In short, real estate terms, assume a house rents $1000 (sale price 100k) and another one $10000 (sale price 1M) next to next on sold.

If the first house rented $1200/month and second house rents $8000/month, naturally the value of the first home goes to $120k and value of the second home comes down to $800k.

If that (50% growth (revenue/income) YOY next 5 years) is not met, price will go down. If it is met, stock price will stay.

Next 5 years being recessionary phase in US economy, very likely (no guarantee) TSLA may go down to $180 or $150 (very worst $120 - I doubt this level). If TSLA maintains 50% growth or better, no one can catch the TSLA bullet train.

If that goes, for buy & hold investors, it is good to catch the company as TSLA is still leader in EV world and continue.

I was pointing this issue when someone catching the falling knife at wrong time, still TSLA has long future, will lead EV momentum next 20 to 50 years.

If someone buys TSLA at $150, see the CAGR is easily higher than catching at $200.

I do not know whether TSLA will touch $150 or not, but it can only be seen by doing fundamental financials which I hate to do as I do not invest in any individual stock.

Being a leader in EV, Market pricing TSLA high is an issue than TSLA surviving long years is not an issue.

BTW: Okay, I prefer stop updating TSLA thread as there is no point for me to talk about this anymore. Anyone wants to invest in TSLA, feel free to do their own research.

Let me try stop updating this thread.

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If it did go down to 150 like you said, the downside risk is only 25%. But the upside potential is huge. And what if it will not go down? You will have missed the big moonshot. Given that being the case, buying it at today’s price is a no-brainer.

Even CGS said he would start buying at $180-$200. Previously he said he would wait til the $120-$140 level. Bears are beginning to adjust their imaginary bottom.



With @manch in SV, need China help.

Like this? Poor Chinese workers who don’t realize they are exploited and laugh at US workers!


If I am unemployed and living hand2mouth, a job regardless of working conditions, is :+1:
If I come from middle income family, have a pet dog/cat, talk climate change, I work only if it is a highly paid super cool job.

China’s manufacturing sector is built upon low workers right and lax environmental protections. Tesla’s Chinese factory has this policy called “home from work”. Workers are living 24/7 inside the factory to keep Covid from getting inside the plant.

Foxconn’s Apple factory in Henan just had a Covid outbreak. Management tried the same trick and isolate the sick workers, but situation got so out of hand that thousands of workers fled and walked back to their village. The trip took days and it has become a huge scandal.

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No pain no gain. If you focused on too much rights and protections, little progress will be made. Larger sacrifices will yield incredible progress. Tesla’s company philosophy is inline with the work culture in China.

That or Rust Belt America. Detroit automakers’ days are numbered, no matter how much their labor unions donated to the Biden administration. They need to change their work culture instead. Relying on political protection will not go far.


Global competition, whichever place can produce the goods at cheaper price for the same quality is the place to produce. Those can’t compete give all kinds of reasons why those places that can are not good.

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The problem with paying workers peanuts is that you can never get the internal demand going. Chinese consumers don’t have enough money to spend. So China has to depend on exports. Depending on exports is fine for a small island like Singapore but hugely problematic for the biggest country in the world. That explains to a large degree why people in the west hate China so much.

China has grown so big now even exports is not enough to drive growth. No organic internal demand means they have to invent some artificial ones. That’s why they keep building infrastructure and driving real estate to such a huge bubble.


Sound logical to a layman like me. Not sure is a valid reasoning to accomplished economist.

Wages more than doubled in less than 10 years. So workers were not exactly being paid “peanuts”. The West hates China because China ate their lunch? I’m sorry but that’s the nature of capitalism. The West is more innovative than China so it still has significant advantages over it, so no need to be so hateful.



TSLA is top 5 :slight_smile:

What does it mean?

TSLA to the :full_moon:
TSLA to the :fire:

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As car loans go/going higher, will Tesla need to cut prices to maintain volumes?

Growth rate . After 10 years

70% . . . . . . . . . . . 220x
60% . . . . . . . . . . . 110x
50% . . . . . . . . . . . 57.7x
40% . . . . . . . . . . . 28.9x
30% . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8x

Beware of growth rate slowing. Share price can be cut drastically.

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Sale by founders is always tricky as can be viewed as company is not doing well or possessed material information. Founders are humans hence have personal needs and other interests, so they need $$$ to fund those.



Did Chicken Genius bought? Is below $180.

One month ago…

I don’t think he will buy until it reaches $140.

Anyhow, I don’t think technical analysis is a good indication of what’s to come. However, stock is currently being penalized by CEO sale, which should not matter at all.