It has all histories etc
Yup. They are just making it up at this point. We’ve been in unprecedented territory for a long time. Between near zero rates, QE, operation twist, etc. The fed hasn’t been in control in a long time.
Obvious I have suggested a few possible motives eg
Correct. Another hidden goal is to rectify the cheap money effect. Misallocated resources, increased wealth divide, etc. The wealthy class gains way more from the cheap money than their poor fellow citizenship.
The good news is declining since Jun peak.
Two items trend up: Transportation and medical care services.
It is, but it’s a very slow decline.
Target used to be 2%.
It is expected to be slow and then suddenly drop very fast.
2% target is what people worry about. Historically, at certain point, CPI would drop suddenly and swiftly to 4% and then slowly grind to 2% with the right conditions. From what I read, people are hoping Fed would change the target to 3-3.5% sometime in the future. 2% is like, not possible in today’s environment.
Why does this keep happening especially after 2 previous Fed prez resigned from these kinds of issues.
We had to preclear and deal with blackout periods as a peon in my old financial firm. It’s not that hard.
What is he saying? Pause soon or what?
The first FED member to publicly capitulate. It’s interesting they always say data-dependent. However, they don’t seem to address the lag in the data they use.
Looks like someone just bought this corrupt official Daly. Do deep investigation of his financial dealings. Inflation is hitting record after record, and is 4x higher than Fed’s target while unemployment is still at record low and we are facing continuous wage and rent inflation. Cost of living in reality has grown by at least 30-40% as compared to pre pandemic levels, and we are in a housing crisis created by Fed. And this clown is talking about lowering rate hikes when rates are still deeply negative. Someone investigate this corrupt guy.
Reported as a change in mind? Thought was what Fed plan to do.
0.75 0.5 0.25 0.25
Sound like a pump and dump by WS.
No doubt about Nov hike 0.75% (as per fed watch tool with 95% reliability).
The issue is not Nov, but what FED is going to do for future Dec & Jan…etc
Since FED decided to kill inflation, if they plan not stopping, market won’t stop falling.
On any case, FED has to stop by Dec 2022, otherwise, we may have more troubles with economy.
Is disappointing that a well educated sophisticated society is full of parrots. Fed is using lag data? True or false, I don’t know. Even if true, so? Stop parroting. Give us a new original insight of what Fed is trying to do.
The fed is the real parrot. Just look at the new statement. Now they are referring to cumulative impact of increases and lags in data. Powell is doing some serious double speak though, because then he said it’s premature to think about pausing. They want to go past neutral to create insurance.
I still think the fed not increasing rates gradually when unemployment was at record lows and inflation was low will go down as a massive blunder. It’ll be studied the way the Great Depression is .