The Homeless Are Frankly Everywhere

“ In 2018, according to Politico , that cost the city “$32 million per month for commercial hotels, $2 million for private apartments, also called clusters, and $96 million for traditional shelters.””

Wow… Thats $1.6B a year or $27,000 per homeless person in NYC. That’s over $2k/mo. It’d take a lot of extra taxes to fund a similar program in SF.

Of the 310 new laws passed here in AZ in the last legislative session none dealt with homeless. We had more pressing concerns - like legalizing nunchucks. It was of course already legal to carry a gun - no permit required.


“A proposed policy would force those without homes to accept shelter, and people are pissed.”

Is that really so bad? We also force people to get vaccines. As long as the room in the shelter has a locking door and is clean, what’s the big deal?

I did not know that vaccination can be enforced. The shelters have usually policies, like curfew, no heroin, no alcohol, need to remove all your belongings next morning 7am…

most homeless have a problem with such rules.

Frankly speaking, I would too.


force those without homes to accept shelter, and people are pissed

Shelters having too many rules… and rules are very strict. If you are not following the rules - you out. Besides most shelters are not 24 hrs. Only night time (most of them)

So… people are lazy, lots of them on drugs , lots if them psyco, some of them just don’t want to “give up” their life style/behavior. And most importantly - they don’t want to get a JOB …
If you don’t believe me - ask any policeman, any social worker, any public Health Nurse in the City - you will hear very very interesting answers

The easy solution would be to force all these people who claim to want to help to house 1 homeless person in their home. The city could give them a monthly allowance for doing it. Of course, these people won’t do it. What they really mean is they want to take other people’s money to solve the problem.

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The problem is - NOBODY really want. Everybody pretending. Just pretending - nothing personal. Someone for political reasons, someone trying to get some $ for “projects” etc. And you know what ?.. last week i spoke with one homeless who got overdosed… she doesn’t want to change anything in her life and she doesn’t want to go to shelter…

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It’s enforced for kids.

True, but then it would push them to try to get a job and a place of their own… Which is really what we want right? You can be homeless but not on the street, or you can clean up your life and get your own place and live by your own rules…

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Most homeless people are coming from the wonderful world of red statehood.

Meanwhile, give away a $24 billion SOCIALIST handout for the farmers. Most of them big corporations.

Where are the “smart” people complaining?

Can you provide evidence of this? Anecdotal accents don’t count. People who are ex-military who are here because of the VA and the hospitals are here for a reason, and that doesn’t count either. You might as well then specifically claim that the VA’s are not sufficiently meeting the needs of Vets.

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Shocking. The vast majority of homeless refuse going to a shelter.

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Think you meant not shocking.


So long there are none in fortress, who care. Who think 7x7 is a world class city, stay there, wait… they have moved? Hype 7x7 so we buy there or their houses they want to sell, then they move elsewhere?

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San Francisco: The city’s official point-in-time homeless count for 2019 is homeless count 8,011, despite various conflicts suggesting that it should be higher. The previous year, the city had 38,651 empty homes (margin of error: 4,395).

Plenty of houses to absorb 30,000 :scream: highly paid SWEs coming to work in SF startups. @manch may be very disappointed. FOMO + price gouging investors that cause the high prices and not because of lack of supply or huge demand. Rent seeking activities cause high rent - rent control SF!

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The real question is whether they are willing to discuss why there are so many empty homes in SF and whether they are willing to address the reason that caused it.