Thoughts on San Francisco

Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

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I don’t buy that tech workers are predominantly liberal. The cities where they are turn super liberal, because other people get mad about tech incomes and wealth. The actual tech employees aren’t super liberal.

Even in the Bay Area, tech employees aren’t a meaningful voting block. The local politics aren’t determined by how tech people vote. A good percent of tech workers can’t even vote, since they aren’t citizens.

I’ve yet to meet a tech worker that thinks $250k single or $400k married is high-income where they should be paying more income taxes. That’s all driven by non-tech people who want the tech employees to pay for more. Seattle has a HUGE divide between the tech and non-tech. It’s not Amazon employees electing a socialist city council member. They openly talk about how insane they think she is.

“Breed acknowledged that tech workers have been slower to return to physical spaces in San Francisco than in other major cities.”

Poop and drug needles aren’t features people want on their sidewalks. Go figure.

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All the people my age (30s, work in tech) including myself make over this most are perfectly fine paying more taxes.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s the same as building housing for homeless, safe injection sites, etc. Everyone will publicly say they are for it. They are too scared of being shamed to say they are against yet. Yet, people fight like hell to prevent those things from happening in their own neighborhood. People will publicly say they are ok with higher taxes, but they’ll do anything they can to avoid it.

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Politics 101. Delay. Hire consultants and hope the problem will go away. Make a decision, take a stand voice an opinion and you will get recalled or voted out. No wonder politicians say nothing important and do nothing… Except drum up their base and spout platitudes… and of course blame everything on global warming, racism, capitalism and evil corporations.

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Never underestimate the nymbies.
Nothing historically significant about that piece of crap.
It should never have built in SF. Was an LA type structure. Cheap design and cheap construction.

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