Time To Start Using Northern California Megaregion

since it ain’t getting any emptier around these parts…

580 is fast turning into a nightmare.

I like the idea about enticing companies to set up in Sac and Merced. But how though? I can think of two ways. One is the high speed rail. I think I am about the only one on this forum that’s cheering for the HSR. The second is building out UC Davis and UC Merced. But the funding cuts at the state levels don’t bode well.

There is lots and lots of empty land just beyond Dublin. They are building there but still I can see cows gazing everywhere. Not to mention Tracy over the hills.

Well, how about providing companies literally free land to build on and BIG tax credits out that way? The farther you go, the bigger the tax credit. Hey, you want to bear fruit down the road right? Well, you have to do some major planting and watering at the start.

Something that would never fly to ease up road congestion around here would be to BAN all single driver cars going across the Bay Bridge. Wow, now that would be an interesting and controversial policy. The problem is that BART is not up to snuff to take up the increase. Def a second tube is warranted.

Bring back FULL free car pooling if 4 people in cars on all of the various bridges.
There are simply too many 1 person driven cars everywhere.

Go East, young. man, paraphrasing Horace Greeley. …Just bought an 8 cap in Tahoe…20% returns flipping in Stockton. Sac rents up 10% y/y…HSR is going the wrong way, should go to Reno, basically a suburb of Sac. Btw, Sac has an MSA of 2.5m…one on the largest fastest growing areas in the US…


Sac? The place of violence?

Let’s be frank, nothing we haven’t seen already in Oakland’s past (or present) and that didn’t stop the developers and Uber from coming…

Violence is everywhere…Worse in Stockton than Sac…Buy when there is blood in the streets.
But in realty CA has much less violence than the East or the rust belt…

Sac is a very decent place to live and has lots to offer. We keep comparing it to the Bay Area that’s why it seems to come up short. I won’t mind living there myself. Even in the highest end in granite bay housing price is 1/3 of Bay Area.

Wow, you are the consummate landlord by definition…

[quote=“sfdragonboy, post:3, topic:420, full:true”]

Something that would never fly to ease up road congestion around here would be to BAN all single driver cars going across the Bay Bridge. Wow, now that would be an interesting and controversial policy. The problem is that BART is not up to snuff to take up the increase. Def a second tube is warranted.[/quote]

I’m not sure why anyone would drive alone into the city anyways. I mean, hey, I like driving, I’ve got kids, so paying for public transportation is more expensive, but when there are family events, at my kids’ school in SF, we take Bart as it is a PIA even on weekends and then parking is $20-$40.

Absolutely agree!

And I am about to drive solo on the bay bridge just now. Bite me. :smile:

Could you stop by my place and tend to the leaves while you are at it? Since you are there anyway and already are in for that Bay Bridge toll cost back…:slight_smile:

Eddie Murphys old house is for sale in Granite Bay. $12m. Not so cheap to slum it in Sac…lol

Eddie lives in Granite Bay? You have link to his house?

In my last job, my boss’ boss’ boss’ boss lives in Roseville / Granite Bay, and my house in San Jose is more expensive than his. :smile:


Eddie sold it for aout $6m in 2007…Doubt it is worth $12m now…may only be worth $4.5m


In other words, I was 2 for 2. Yes, education and transport are most important to attract jobs:

A substantial increase in funding for state and community colleges would make counties outside the Bay Area more attractive for companies looking to start a business or grow, the report said. It noted that the Sacramento region trails the Bay Area by 19 percent to 26 percent when it comes to the number of people with a bachelor’s degree. Similar disparities are found in the number of people with graduate degrees.

The report also emphasized the need for greater investment in rail networks. Capitol Corridor and the other two major regional transit lines across Northern California’s “megaregion” each have plans to expand rail lines and ridership. That should be the "No.1 priority” of local policymakers, said Barry Broome, CEO of the Greater Sacramento Area Economic Council.

YES, Sire, but can you tell us the winning Lotto numbers??? Then PA for you will be more than doable for you already…:slight_smile:

Highrises in PA and SV make more sense than HSR…Extended Bart service and up zoning makes more sense…The east Bay has plenty of land no need to go all way to Merced…But I am counting on the stupidity of city planners, that is why I have invested in Sac since 1999…Two of best investments ever. One was apartments in South Sac the other self storage near Sac state…