Today's Market 1/17-23

Last week, I was telling about AMC is good buy at lowest of decade price when it touched $2, but it went up to nicely today

Oh yeah, AMC is on the pump for short squeeze list for RHers. I’ve been riding it since last week a bit. I’ll probably sell if it can reach $4. :slight_smile: These RHers have a ton of influence on individual stocks. It’s a new game in town and I’m not sure if it will ever disappear especially with $0 commission.


How much did you put in? Look like you are luring me into asking you this question :slight_smile:

Short term influence :slight_smile: So have to nimble like them. I am three times their age so can’t do trampoline anymore.

I would say yes and no. Stocks like AMC, GME, etc are s*** stocks. I would never keep them long term. If it weren’t for RHers, I would have never have picked up NIO, IPOE (sofi), NNDM, SKLZ, TIGR, FUBO, etc when they were pretty low. Some of these are worth riding short term while pumping, sell and get back in for long term when the pump is over for consolidation and another ramp.

It is up to you to decide either $1 or $1M ! :rofl:
But, if you fear about market correction, you can not touch call, but buy only stocks !

I bought when it touched $244-$245 range.Since FB jumped from bottom, I do not buy any more as I want to see positive green always !

Yes, RHers and Redditians make wild on highly shorted stocks and making (or losing money) with that volatility. They madly put money when it is too high too.

For example: There were more than 450000 (highest ever I have seen) TSLA $900 and $1000 expiry options Jan 15th costed appx $9 to $14 range. Everything wiped out last week as they believed TSLA will reach $900 and $1000.

Market makers know all the statistics and kill these wild options easily.

When I look to buy, the stocks must be very low, within 5% easily, and bound to change positive. Any way, I rarely get such chances in a day, may be one or two in a week.

I have actually bought 5000 shares between $1.96 and $2.05 on AMC and sold today. I have only 1 stock left out now. It can go up or down, but I do not want to take any chance now.

I browse YouTube yesterday and notice many millennials pumping these stocks :grinning:

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I happen to think opposite. Explain to you at length long ago.

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During his presidential campaign, Biden proposed raising the corporate rate to 28% from the current 21%. Prior to the 2017 tax cuts, the U.S. corporate rate was 35%.

Still, Yellen was quick to caution that any plan to seek a higher corporate rate could start only after the administration felt that the U.S. had overcome the coronavirus.

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Someone posted !

Hey, I say 2 calls total $2k not $200k. How come he added two zeroes behind my investment?

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Global paid net subscriber additions:** 8.5 million vs 6.47 million expected, according to StreetAccount

:rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

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@hanera, this is RHers, and Citron downgrade GME, let us see who wins?

My prediction, Citron is shorting at right peak opportunity, the $500k RHer will become easily $250k ! He does not understand now, but will - at the end of the fiasco !

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She also said we shouldn’t act alone. We should convince others to raise their rates too. Good luck with that.

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Any way, Dems won’t even understand and keep on taxing wherever possible. At least, senate should have been secured to check, unfortunately it is not…

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Paul’s latest EW on FDX, touched wave C !

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Buying random tech stocks with zero research is the new mantra :slight_smile: Now then you know? I no longer care about fundamentals… it doesn’t matter at all. What matters is a good story that millennials will believe in. The more magical, the more grand, world domination is the best, the higher the share price.

Genomics stocks are better :slight_smile:

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Believe in @manch who is a guru in semis. Don’t follow him for RE though :grinning: