
Is unrest in Hong Kong weakening China?

There is an old saying “You don’t shit where you eat”. The protests are hurting Hong Kong’s economic future and the protesters are quite literally crapping on Hong Kong’s future.

https://www.quora.com/Is-unrest-in-Hong-Kong-weakening-China/answer/Tony-Kwok-8 by Tony Kwok living in HK.

At the beginning of the protests in June, most Chinese were neglected toward the issues.

the bill is necessary and reasonable and a lot of nations such as the USA have already included similar bills in their laws.

Things changed dramatically when on July 1st, the so-called peaceful freedom fighter broke in and vandalized the Legco office and sprayed black ink on the HKSAR emble.

@harriet, @manch, Fly back and tell the protestors to stop. They are the 摘瓜人. Tell them don’t 拉了一摊屎拍拍屁股走人.

Mainland Chinese don’t really feel like HK people consider them as their equals, which might not be entirely false as many HK don’t feel like Chinese to begin with.

HK people talk like fake whites.

You won’t be able to reason clearly if you keep looking at things thru racial lenses. People are the same no matter what race they are. They all want the same things.

Take off your racial and nationalistic glasses and see the world for it really is.

What are those things? They can’t get them when HK is no longer a SAR?

That’s exactly what HK people want: what’s promised in the Joint Declaration. Yes, they want HK to be the SAR they were promised.

Get off Quora. It’s for ignorant Westerners who don’t know the language. You know the language. Use it to your own advantage. Go watch a couple episodes of 鏗鏘集 from RTHK, the BBC equivalent of HK.

Only for 50 years from 1997. Need to slowly integrate HK into the main system.

Are you absolutely certain CCP will still be around in 2047? I am not so sure.

Irrelevant. Have to prepare accordingly not base on what if. May be Earth won’t exist any more, hit by a large meteor.

My point is, how do you know it’s not the mainland that needs to integrate into the western system like HK? Why be fatalistic and resign to your imaginary fate when you can shape history with your own will?

Are you certain China will win the Thucydides Trap against the US? HK is a piece of the big struggle.

Win and lose is a very Western idea. In Chinese, we talk about co-existing! Can you see you’re also looking at the world with a “racial” glass? Except you are wearing a non-Chinese glass.

Rules are determined by the sitting champion. I am not sure US wants to share its superpower with China.

The global anti China union is forming as we speak. Xi is in existential trouble.

Mostly Westernized nations. These guys have no backbone. They have been quietly supporting China, subtly urging China on, all long to shake out of greenbacks and listening to USA. Now with a belligerent Trump, they support US.

This episode you posted here is too biased. Too much embedded agenda. Intention is to instigate. Those protestors should stop.


Wonder who’s the one that’s really biased here. Those who enjoy democracy right now condemning others fighting for democracy are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Do you even know what this means? Who do you think is 武則天?

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To say something is biased implies you know where the center is. Did you check the polls of HK? Use your language skill to get facts from the horse’s own mouth.

Why? Besides racial and nationalistic “reasons”.

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I have opposite view. Western countries, including Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan share the same ideology. They are willing to sacrifice blood for one another. Trump actually strains relationship with our allies with his crazy badmouthing. Western countries’ attitude towards China has been hardening. I posted a while back 90% of Canadians have negative view of China for example.

China on the other hand has no allies. Guys they bought off with money only stay because of the money. They won’t fight for you. I am not sure even fat boy Kim will send troops to fight for China.

That’s ultimately the meaning of soft power. You can’t win hearts and minds with money.

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They are killing their own future. The initial protest seem justified. The continuation of the protest is fraud with other hidden intention.

I don’t know where the center is. I only know the episode is created to solicit pity and emotional response. Is not a neutral reporting of what had happened. Sorry not sway by it.

What you said is logical but I don’t believe is the reality.

Don’t know how to respond to @harriet emotional assertions.

What’s neutral to you? Sounds like you already have your own set of story outlined and are equally emotional, otherwise you wouldn’t have created a separate topic for discussion.

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@harriet always put words in my mouth, can’t say anything. She said it all :sob:

Again that implies you know what the protestors’ present is and what kind of futures they want. Are you sure you know?

You said they only want SAR for another 28 more years. Are you sure is what they actually want?

The episode is presented like a propaganda, the protestors have been fairly restrained and reasonable, the government/ police has abused their authority and use excessive force.