Trading wars impact

easy, change your forum name to “baby kingdom”

Lead by example please.

When people are young and silly, they vote for one party. When they grow and gain some wisdom, they vote for another party.

Prop 10 has made many people transition from silliness to wisdom kingdom

we should not stick to one party. whoever hold power too long is bad.
should not care about gender/sexual orientation/handsome or not(yes my friend vote for newsome cuz he’s handsome)/etc… when voting.

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By imposing tariffs. Some wisdom indeed… :rofl:

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Well, better than open border, way better than strict rent control

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open borders has good part too for us
like 200 million chinese come over. our house/rent value goes up, more chinese restaurant, and the chinese food post will explode

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No. Only Mexicans will come.

Because China won’t allow them aboard the plane without a valid visa?

chinese will first go to mexico then come. chinese will always find a way

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Because America will suck more compared to China.

Why are there so few illegal immigrants from Africa? That’s where the income gap is the widest

Because all of them tried to boat their way to Europe first.

my thinking just my thinking, to come to america, they need $$$ , at least to cover transportation cost. maybe the people in african cannot even afford it??
it’s just my guess. no data to back that up.

Whatever the impact, it is important that Trump didn’t unintentionally destroy the American lifestyle as THE lifestyle. IMHO, the most successful American marketing is marketing their lifestyle as THE lifestyle. People who can afford to come here, stay here for the lifestyle. People who can’t afford to come here, buy American products like iPhone :slight_smile:

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That’s America’s soft power. Trump is destroying the American brand.

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Give a statement and then some factual supporting evidence

No. I don’t feel like it.

Increase your EQ and you’ll feel like to do it :rofl:

You’re the one who need a boost. Both EQ and IQ.

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