Trump tweets

Sorry must be an error in not quoting the thing I wanted to respond to, leading to confusion.

I’m saying reading MSM, comments from the 4 & Democrats in general, it feels you might be a minuscule minority or you might be the only one.

That’s because a black person using the N-word among friends is not racist.

What a piece of speech means depends on context, and part of the context involves the speaker’s race and gender. For the same reason, if that woman uses the B-word with her friends it’s generally not viewed as sexist, but Trump better not use that word in his tweets.

I think many on the left share my view. Twitter and MSM people feed on controversies and rage. Most normal people are not that extreme.

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That double standard is BS though. If the word is derogatory and offensive, then no one should use it. I also wouldn’t call a standing room only bus among friends.

Racism from trump helps raise the prices in the Bay Area . A little small diverse bubble of its own , totally diverse . Anywhere else …you our your kids could be told to “go back to your own countries “.

+ve impact of something negative .


Exactly. I worry for @hanera in Austin. Don’t go too far out of city limit.

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Been in the Bay Area for more then 20 years. I will say I have experienced more racial harassment here then anywhere else. In one case the driver in the VTA told me to exit by the front door and locked the rear door to make sure the morons harassing me couldn’t follow me. This did happen years ago, and I am thankful it’s a lot better today

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I don’t know your background but, I thought such simplistic/linear arguments came from non college educated white voters :slight_smile:

Based on the thanks to that post, Minuscule minority have been exposed :grinning:

It’s not about my educational background .

This is a RE forum and I’m trying to conclude an inference impacting RE over here
I just noticed a phenomenon . Trump being openly Racist will encourage more racists to become openly racists. Over here ( BA ) we are all highly educated , well accomplished and diversity is an asset. Trumps Racism will give fire to more racists and this BA would become even more desirable. My prediction.


Not really, unless you are betting on new grads and immigrants only (but the tightening of immigration policy doesn’t help, and immigrants tend to settle in blue states anyway). That’d mean people moving from an area with lower cost of living to higher cost of living which rarely happens.

You’re making a RE prediction based on 1 factor. It’s clear to anyone that it is a simplistic argument. There are also many flaws within your premises.

lets say i want to retire in Austin in 5000 sq feet house but now i won’t.

So less people moving out .Once an immigrant buys the property over here, then consider that as a permanent hole in the inventory

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I’m saying trump’s racism and the domino affect of fueling more racism .

this adds ONE more factor to the list of desirable factors for our area

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I want to withdraw my thanks to the quoted post, via this post, since this platform won’t let me. :slight_smile:

Anybody who makes or supports this kind of highlighted statement is knowingly making some statement which is to put it mildly extremely bigoted & unfair.

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Is that really the case? Or are they the most radical of the liberals right now? Are there white liberals that are more socialist than they are? Are you saying that because he didn’t tell Bernie off, he’s racist? Or is Bernie not as socialist as they are?

Real questions–I’ve got a ton of stuff to do at home, and aside from AOC, haven’t been following politics. But I thought AOC was even farther left than Bernie. is that incorrect?

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You are only thinking about people moving out, but not the people moving in. You think immigrants would want to come here after all this rhetoric, keeping everything else constant?

Trump makes crazy tweets pretty much every week. Next week there will be something else. Sure. Immigrants will still come. Why not?

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By the same token you think people would abandon plans to retire to Austin based on his one tweet? Ask Yoda.