Uh Oh, He Used All Caps

Pretty easy to train a lawyer into a SWE. The demand for logic thinking is much less stringent. What’s holding them back is they don’t live in the Bay Area.

Let’s put the entire Bay Area under rent control.

Why don’t you train yourself to something you are not yet? Maybe a self driving engineer?

Put your house under rent control, not other people’s. Maybe rent control should be voluntary by property owners.

Don’t put restrictions on others, do it to yourself.

That’s why big government is bad. They would use government regulations as gun, knife and bomb to threaten the people. Maybe that’s why people want to keep their gun

I fully support upskilling, but that’s not an option for everyone. I support free trade. I just think it’s naive to say it doesn’t have a negative impact on millions of people.

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There are trade offs for everything. Just like there’s downside for free trade, there’s also downside for free market rentals. We may need to beef up section 8 to help people who can’t afford market rate rent.

I actually think we need to build more public housing too.

You, Commie!!!:wink:

Tenants prefer section 8 over public housing.

I think section 8 is better than rent control. Section 8 will encourage home building and rescue shortage. Rent control will reduce supply and increase homelessness.

Section 8 and other housing subsidy is a good solution. Also maybe tax deductible on rent payment up to 10k SALT limit.

Where to find extra dollars for section 8? Two sources. One is to tax high income tenants to pay section 8. Another is to require section 8 tenants to work and reduce subsidy.

Also tax high cost rentals in California and give money to low cost cities such as Detroit. This will drive population from overcrowded California to underpopulated Detroit. Great for national economy and the California cost control.