What am I missing here about the market's reaction to the Novel Corona (Wuhan) Virus?

First shot of the global rate cut.

Joe’s saying what I said earlier today. The rate cuts will stay long past the short term panic ends.

Buckled up and hunkered down.

Mother of all stimulus!!

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Stock market may not be affected long term. In 1918 50 million died. Stocks were unaffected.


How many people had access to the stock market in 1918 versus now? Apples to oranges.

The top 10% still hold 84% of stocks. Ownership is heavily concentrated.

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Measles were also much more lethal and more infectious. It took a long time for the vaccine to be developed. Why weren’t people freaked out about the measles? For one, people knew way more about the measles. A new pathogen we don’t know much about is worse from a psychological perspective.

It also doesn’t really matter whether the old flu kills more than Wuhan. When a bank run is ongoing you don’t just stand there telling people theories. You take actions that give people the confidence that things are being taken care of. China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea did that. They took things seriously and applied decisive, sometimes even overly draconian measures. But that gave people confidence. Life goes back to normal there now. Versus here people just dilly dally and waste valuable time. We need to frontrun the situation.

Everyone owed a little bit of stocks back then That’s why the 1929 crash was so devastating.

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I can understand why they want to do it, but why cost shift to landlords. The city should offer to pay for the rents otherwise stay out of it

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It’s a bad situation, BUT People need to fund their “emergency funds”.

Unfortunately 1/3 of Americans have no emergency funds and live paycheck to paycheck

Pretty cool. Kid wanted to talk to grandma. So just called her (in India), and instead of a standard ring tone the telecom was playing a pre-recorded message on best practices to prevent the spread of Corona virus while waiting for the recipient to pick up


It looks more and more like we have at least hit a short term bottom. Don’t @ me if it didn’t work out. Just to put it out here so I’ll look smart if things indeed break my way. :smile:

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Will definitely @ you :smiling_imp:

I don’t think we have reached maximum pessimism. There are still quite a lot of people out there who call this a flu. Wait until those folks start panicking then that’s when your index goes to zero.

So have to wait for Trump, Ludlow and Coney? Contained, pretty air-tight, we’ve stopped it :roll_eyes:
Their best bet is to compel GILD to release some prelim results of their clinical trials.

Oil is the bigger story now. The Saudis and the Russians are going to price war.