What will it take to reduce Bay Area housing costs?

It was part of SF city experience :slight_smile:. You get to experience the city intimately.

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Is an effective consumerism branding. Now we buy all kinds of “white” things, clothing, food, houses, and travel
衣食住行. So surprised you are still self-aware :slight_smile: Congrats.

You should hedge. Don’t just invest in BA’s RE.

He already did.

He did? Thought all his houses are in Bay Area. Where else? He has been looking but didn’t commit.
He has a business and a stock portfolio. I am referring to RE diversification.

The whole BA is full of crime. Many of my friends have had the car windows smashed by thieves thinking their are no consequences.

He has houses in Sacramento, Stockton, and Santa Rosa.

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Actually I intend to mean not in California too

Price to median income ratio is meaningless in rent controlled city such as SF. Most people are not paying market rent. It’s a distorted market.