When Do Girls Lose Interest In Science & Math

Think about it… At lot of dentists get into the field to get unlimited access to drugs…In college our fraternity said we were dentists to get nitrous oxide gas…My dentist was just a typical drunk…Had whiskey breath…

I didn’t conclude anything. You’re putting words in my mouth. I just laugh at the illogical reasoning of extrapolating the past into the future taken as the TRUTH.

1st time is head.
2nd time is head.
3rd time is head.
4th time is head.
5th time? Sure is head?

Notice I didn’t say is tail. Nor did I say it will not be head. I didn’t predict any outcome.

Any teachers would like to comment on above statement?

Terri just prove that males are bad at writing, and many are bad at critical thinking, ahem.

If our world is a series of independent probability events, sure. But that’s not my world view. I don’t think I or you are lacking in “critical thinking”. We are just working from a different world view, a different assumption how the world operates.

My assumption is that the world is highly path dependent. What happens in the past has a huge effect on the future. So it pays to study history, where people got right and more importantly where they got wrong.


I personally believe engineering is very good occupation for women.
Here’s why.

  1. Performance evaluation is pretty fair based on outcome.
  2. Less office politics than any other organization (due to the reason stated in #1) IMO.
  3. Flexible schedule (Most of engineers need laptop and VPN access to work anywhere any time)
  4. Good salary to justify child care cost
    Thus, I will encourage my daughters to try STEM as much as possible.
    However, at the end of day, the final decision would be up to them.
    I do not want them to miss the great potential opportunities in front of them due to unimportant reasons (such as stereo type etc).
    To make sure, I am trying to expose them to challenging math problems, science camp etc as much as possible.
    Of course, if other parents believe above factors are important for their sons’ potential career, they should try to expose them to STEM study as much as possible and I believe a lot of them are doing this.

BTW, regarding the comments on the advantage that girls can get in STEM field, I really doubt such advantage even exists.
A while ago, I read an article analyzing GPA/test_score/etc between male and female students who are accepted by UC Berkeley EECS (one of the most popular school these days). There was absolutely zero difference between two gender groups.
If somebody wants to argue that women in tech take advantage due to their gender, that person must present compelling data to support it. Otherwise, that is just pure insult to female engineers.


I think having more female engineers as role models definitely helps. My older daughter is only 7 but she’s already “learning” what a boy does and what a girl does.

By that reasoning we need a lot more female everything: female CEOs, female Nobel laureates, female presidents of the United States.

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More stay-at-home moms who cook, clean, sew, and read books to their kids on demand?

Look like you like to read into things. You’re assuming we have different world views. And by stating your worldview, you’re implying mine is not the same. Please don’t make assumptions.

My point about automation is think tanks say there will be reduced jobs because of automation which of course they could be dead wrong. But using the past to extrapolate argument that they are wrong is wrong.

Yes! This is exactly what I grew up hearing from my parents, who also worked in STEM fields. Unfortunately, it was not for me. So, I think it’s key that the final decision is up to the individual and it’s always helpful to try and get early exposure to different working environments to make an educated decision. Of course we should be grateful for the choices and opportunities we do have.

I guess there is no biological basis for STEM skills in male vs female, but research shows that emotional state impacts our brain’s learning functions. It’s well known that stress causes us to shut down access to higher order thinking centers, but it has also been shown that higher comfort levels (and associated neural chemical transmitters like dopamine) broaden one’s scope of attention and cognitive flexibility. There is greater attention, memory and executive thinking going on when one is able to personally connect with the subject / experience at hand.


Is something like this offered here in the Bay Area???


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Life is full of dilemmas. Sometimes truth and being nice are in conflict, which do you choose?

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There are a lot of coding opportunities for kids. Maybe not girls only.

coderdojo and hackerdojo, many events are free which is really awesome.



Society of Women Engineers has free program for girls K-12 called SWENext - www.swe.org/swenext - anyone can sign up

  • Up-to-date information about outreach events (camps, competitions, etc.) hosted by SWE and its partners.
  • A catalog of available scholarships for engineering school offered by SWE and partner organizations.
  • Best practices on applying for scholarships and internships.
  • Eligible to participate in a quarterly webinars, where engineers from various disciplines discuss the work that they do.
  • Resources for families and educators that can help effectively promote a career in engineering to your daughter and or female engineering students.
  • A SWENext council where girls can influence the direction of this program

I really don’t care about the subject being on women or men. What I care is that terri, and I thank her for that, brought a good link for us to see how we can enroll our kids in coding or any class on programming.

At this point, girls or boys, they need a better education than the one they have nowadays. Then they can decide if they join the best high tech company in the world or ISIS… LOL


In 1-2 decades later, the age of high paying software engineers may be over. In fact, signs are those SWEs with not hot skills are not getting paid well. Having said that, in future I think coding is going to be like writing and using office productivity tools, is a must-have skill… should be damn easy to use by then. Going forward, the hot area is AI especially machine learning, Robotics, and Information/ cyber security (hot & cold but expected to be very hot). These three areas are need for self-driving cars and all forms of automation.

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Right! Robotics, or something new we haven’t developed will be hot then. Still, the habit of studying hard should prevail.


Harvard University believes the world’s next Einstein is among us — and she’s a millennial.

At age 23, Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski is already one of the most well-known and accomplished physicists in the U.S.

The Cuban-American Chicago native graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in just three years with a 5.0-grade point average, the highest possible, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard with full academic freedom — meaning she can pursue her own study on her own terms without staff interference.

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Gotta be honest, but she doesn’t look like the type to get lost on the way home thinking about physics.

Also, Physics isn’t so hard to graduate in three years especially if you came in with a lot of AP or DE credit…

But here’s to a woman physicist.