When wives earn more than their husbands, they both do something pretty terrible

In her most recent stand-up special, Hard Knock Wife, comedian Ali Wong describes one of the most tangible ways her life has changed since rising to prominence last year.

“Now I make a lot more money than my husband,” she tells the crowd. “My mom is very concerned that he is going to leave me out of intimidation. I had to explain to her that the only kind of man that would leave a woman who makes more money is the kind of man that doesn’t like free money.”


It’s increasingly common for wives to make more than their husbands — about 38% of wives earned more than their husbands in 2015, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — and it’s also common for that to make people uncomfortable.

Fake stats. Feminists said women are under represented in work place and underpaid.

You have been posting such articles recently. I can’t help to think your wife earns more than you. Guess you are now comfortable that you are not the odd ball.


I was going to say “I think only @hanera is in this situation out of all of the forum members”… :rofl:

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Yeah. Seemed really odd to me.

Only 38% of the women make more. So 62% make less. Plus you don’t know the qualifications of the wives compared to husbands.

No contradictions.

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You need to know the average qualifications of women vs. men as well. I’d assume that overall women are less educated/qualified than men. Might be reversed for the most recent generations, but I’d bet the older generations are highly skewed towards men.

I’m going to be honest. There’s only 2 or 3 women I know who definitely make more than their husbands. And many women I know whose husbands definitely make more. And I’m around a fairly educated crowd.

Also, once men make a sufficient amount it’s possible for wives to stay home with the kids. I don’t know that many house husbands–3 come to mind.

Part of it is because males are more likely to take risks. I would have no trouble job hopping, but my wife would probably not even bother because she’d be afraid. That’s probably one reason why males are more entrepreneurial than females, and also why we need to encourage females to experiment more.

Entropy brings wealth.

Most men just work as a cog inside big corps. Hardly entrepreneur.

I thought you were going to say “adoption brings wealth”… :rofl:


The people here are miser bunch. I tried my chance, didn’t happen.

Also risks can go both ways. Distribution may have fatter tails but doesn’t mean the means will be different.

Sure, but the existing entrepreneurial base certainly doesn’t follow demographics of the population :slight_smile:

Many studies show women actually do better than men in the stock market. Men take crazy risks and too full of themselves. The mean is actually lower for men.

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More risk more reward :slight_smile: Stock market is not a useful metric, i’m sure if you did sp500 or sp100, you’d do better than both :slight_smile:

For male, it’s called ego “i am smarter than everyone”. I have that too.

Or they don’t listen to their wives advice on what stocks to buy.

If my son had listened to my husband, his stock account would’ve gone up with the market. But instead, he listened to me, and his stock account went up with Amazon. Ha!


I bet it’s selection bias.

The stereotypical husband who don’t ask for directions even when he’s lost. Yup. The market eats men like that for lunch. :yum:

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I am curious, also, about who would behave how when the market is going down :slight_smile:

Companies love employees like your wife.

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