Do you know they’ve revised old temps 15 times in the last few years? The raw data actually says the planet hasn’t warmed in 17 years. There are a ton of holes in their “science”. They blatantly ignore anything that doesn’t support their conclusion.
Pretty clear not much will happen in my life time…Afterall these 50 year old predictions were wrong…
Florida doesn’t interest me at all…Flat, humid, boring full of angry New Yorkers…Hurrricanes are the best part of Florida…could clear the place out…lol
I prefer Mexico…plenty of unspoiled beaches and friendly people…wouldn’t invest their either…
No decent scientist is willing to associate their name with the junk political sea level science. Period.
When everyone talks about some “science”, you know it may not be science at all. It’s a political movement.
It does not matter to me if it is science or religion…If people believe in sea rise then sooner or later water front property values will suffer…especially if they are taxed for levees and such…And who wants a levee in front of their overpriced beach house…I am not willing to pay a premium to live on a beach…Most are…Which leads me to believe that sea rise is not a concern for most…
If I want to stay on a beach I will get a hotel room for a week…No need to own and have to maintain shifting sand.
Army Corp of Engineers predicts 1.5-5 feet of rise in the next 85 years…6" in my life maybe…Not much so far
There are some hypocrite “Global warming is a hoax but build me a wall to protect my property against it” people…
Oh boy!
Darn scientists, hoaxers.
Actually, anybody working or making a living based on the science they studied to get there should give their diplomas back. You know, doctors, nurses, you name it.
It says that “scientists” think sea level will rise 0.2 meters to 2.0 meters by 2100. But which scientists? Do the scientists have names? Who is the lead scientist? Where is the peer reviewed published paper?
Sea level science is not a crime, why are the “scientists” so scared to publish their names? Their names can go into history books and they can become national heroes, actually worldwide heroes.
"Scientists have very high confidence (greater than 90% chance) that global mean sea level will rise at least 8 inches (0.2 meter) and no more than 6.6 feet (2.0 meters) by 2100. "
Some people ask too many questions. Google is your friend, then YouTube.
Stop listening to Foxnews or Infowars.
Louisiana. Native people moving out because 8" of water raising and making their lives miserable.
This short documentary profiles residents of the Isle de Jean Charles in Louisiana, as they confront a future threatened by sinking shorelines and rising seas.
Miami. Planning to let nature take over flood-prone areas:
Sea-level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, Future
If you believe in sea rise don’t buy beachfront property. However since these properties are skyrocketing in value, it is clear most don’t believe in Global Warming alarmists
Rich people don’t believe sea level rise. Sea level science is for average Joe, not for the rich or the real scientist.
I had a conversation about sea level rise with an Ivy educated science PhD. He is a big liberal but he laughed off the sea level concern. It’s such a complicated system that any forecast should be taken as rumor, or humor, just not science.
I believe many street protestors have 1000 times more confidence on sea level rise than the original author.
You don’t have to believe in something to think it’s a good investment.
Also, investments have horizons. IT could be a good investment for next 100 years, but not for 200 years. Most beachfront properties are “not” investments, they are “joy rides”.
This is akin to saying “McLaren’s are not good investments because they depreciate over time”, yet you see tons of people doing the exact same.
Beachfront property has been a great investment in the past…We will see about the future. I own waterfront in Tahoe…no sea rise issues
Some people nowadays are riding on the wagon of stupidity. From “fake news” to poison our environment because they don’t see what it not visible.
Science is for the smart guy, science is something your study for, science is something you understand and fear, and it may not be for the average Joe investing on a beach front property or a cabin in the middle of Alaska if he doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings.
I bet that both of them, no matter how stupid they are, they would trust the devices built based on science when checking if the temperature there is going to be below 0º or higher.
These people are the first ones calling the firemen, or the coastguard when they get in trouble because they knew more than science.
It won’t affect you, and probably mildly affect your kids, but it will definitely affect severely in 200 years.
This is why pollution has become a problem, global warming/sea level rise is a problem for humanity, but not a problem for individual humans.
Over population is a bigger threat. If the global warming crowd really believed in it, then they’d advocate for population control. We’d all have a one child policy like China had. The environment is about using guilt to increase taxes for more liberal projects. Cap and trade taxes are what’s paying for HSR. You could do tons of things for $160B that’d have greater benefit on the environment.
You know, overpopulation is a problem because work-centers are very concentrated. USA has shit ton of land for farming, and for human residencies. Same goes for every country. You can solve the problem of business concentration, the rest would follow.
It’s a far bigger problem than just the US. The poorest countries with the least resources are having the most kids.
That’s the problem. Some people, whose examples abound on these topics, think that their life on this earth is about eating and making poop. They don’t care about what type of environment leave to their kids and the kids of their kids.
But, they get sentimental, and tears come from their eyes talking about the “legacy” they will leave to their kids in terms of real estate. If there will anything left in the future.
I think, I may be mistaken, but the last flood in Houston Tx. is an example of the lack of meaningful and scientific thinking. Just build! Build! Flood? Who cares about the next flooding!
Oh! Wait! Dear Mr. president, where is the help? We are flooded here you know…Nobody told us!
Technology is the biggest culprit for environment problems. Without automobiles, pollution would be a nonissue. We can just walk everywhere, no gas, no freeway, no suburban sprawling.
Population concentration is the best strategy to reduce global warming. Make LA a 20 story city, unpopulate rest of California to Washington. Concentrate every west coast person to LA high rise condo buildings, make the rest of west coast natural reserve. Do the same to heartland and east coast. Ban the cars, everyone walk or take trains or buses. There’ll be no global warming and no junk science needed.