Will Facebook Rock Our World Today?

Wechat is an OS within the mobile OS. You can order a rideshare, restaurant takeout and pay the street hawker all within wechat. Recently they launched “mini programs” which provide developers API’s to write light weight programs within wechat that download instantly.

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Time for @manch to jump ship.

All his bets are in the dump. Which one should he jump to?

Bitcoin :smile:

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Have we already see this WSJ article?

At the end of it these guys are mere mortals :slight_smile:

Wow. At least he didn’t go Steve Balmer on them. Balmer said he should fire everyone who wasn’t using a windows phone.

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He did more than that.

Facing scrutiny, Facebook reportedly hired a PR firm that wrote negative articles about rivals Apple, Google

I have to wonder why manch loves the company run by a robotic face boy :grinning:

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Can’t all my stocks just get along… :rofl:

Maybe the same stuff Jobs saw in Zuck:

Graham asked if Jobs ever mentioned Zuckerberg to Isaacson.

“I once asked Jobs who [he] admired in the Valley,” Isaacson responded. “Mark’s was the first name on his lips.”

Jobs admired Zuckerberg for his “intuitive feel” for what Facebook needed next, for his passion and willingness to “do stuff that allows him to be on shifting sands—his willing to cannibalize old things. He felt an odd kinship to Mark,” Isaacson said.


You trust him?

Narratives on companies changes. Not too long ago everybody was parroting the line of how Apple is now a service company. Now the narrative is back to the sinking iPhone sales.

Narratives on Facebook will change too.

Jobs did. He chose Issacson to write the official biography.

Steve made colossal mistakes too. He employed the sugar guy as CEO. He told Bill everything. And invite the snake Eric into his board meeting.
So do you trust Issacson?

Narrative didn’t change.

What I meant is do you think Issacson didn’t make it up or his memory failed him.

I saw no reason not to trust Issacson for the factual stuff, like what Steve said to him.

Zuck is acting like a 2 year old who has been rebuked, towards a company much bigger and dominant than his. Imagine how these guys treat small companies/weak people (literally) when the cameras are not around.

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