2018 Housing Predictions

What are you guys using to get zip code and city specific RE sales data? Trulia stopped updating in August.


Californians too

NYT is left leaning, previously it predicted Hillary would win by a landslide :joy:

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You mean @manch? :joy:

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@manch has very poor judgement in politics as well as finance… :rofl:

Mind you my stock performance still trumps you all. :wink:

In politics, finance and everything else, I am never wrong, just early. 2018’s gonna be wild. Fasten your seatbelt. :slight_smile:

I think most people in the country will get more money in the pocket after tax. Media’s badmouth of tax reform will die quickly. The people are not idiots, they have a brain. If media continues their poor or dishonest reporting, the voters can deal them another blow, just like 2016.

People are not idiots, at least not forever.

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If I do save on taxes I will save a hell of a lot more as a Nevada resident…


That’s true. But California can also reduce state income tax, who knows how much taxpayer will react. It could happen quickly when taxpayers are so angry by media’s portrait.

We can have a repeat of Prop 13 with state income tax.

Um… any bitcoin investor would’ve trumped you handily… why compare yourself to us “losers”… :rofl:

Anyhow… you are right about one thing… 2018 is indeed gonna be wild… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I will launch a new coin: FOMOcoin. The one coin to rule them all!!! :smile:

2018 wild on what?

The implosion of cryptocurrencies leaving people swimming naked as the tide recedes… :wink:

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I predict Nevada house price go up especially in Vegas and Reno MSA which includes Carson valley and Tahoe
Maybe 20%

That’s fine I still wouldn’t buy in a desert.

But, most of CA is in fact, desert. Just not as “desert” as Nevada and looks somewhat different.

Desert is defined as anywhere that receives 15" or less precipitation. That’s most of the central valley in CA.

Um… I know a desert when I see one…