View of sure-to-moon growth stock investors.
2-yr return of hot favorites of gen-z investors vs AAPL…
View of sure-to-moon growth stock investors.
2-yr return of hot favorites of gen-z investors vs AAPL…
Revenue has been increasing, obviously not in a straight line, occasionally decline a little. Buy n hold investors look at multi-year trend not quarterly trend.
Hmm… AirPods not shown? Services not shown? I’ll see whether I can get a better chart.
Timeline of Services, only up to 2016
Please note that 2nd hand Apple products sold by third parties are not recorded as Apple product sales. These 2nd hand Apple product consumers use Apple services, hence services revenue is growing even though product revenue has declined. In the longer run, these 2nd hand Apple product consumers are likely to buy new Apple products.
Sale increase (in %) the most in Rest of Asia Pacific Europe second.
Revenge spending by Chinese (in China) started slowly after re-opening, is gathering momentum. The next quarter would be interesting.
Remember that I was telling how market can go down without Apple reach double top!
Watch the fun next week for SPX market esp after Tuesday!
Joe’s response to a savvy growth stock trader who is bathing in blood…
I am wondering whether he says the same thing in 2016-2017.
Meanwhile, AAPL is about 5% below ATH.
Apple can’t acquire too many companies because FTC might think is anti-competitive behavior. So buy back own shares.
Actual reason: Dividends are taxed, buybacks are not taxed but increases value of holders.
If aapl pays 60B dividends ( even one time ) all are taxed, but if they buyback 60B, they are not taxable!
Big players, supports buybacks. Congress ( dem. Mainly ) wants to tax buyback. It is decade long fight since Obama period onwards.
Single dimension?
“Apple is not 35% of Berkshire’s portfolio,” he said. “Berkshire’s portfolio includes the railroad, the energy business, Garanimals, you name it, See’s Candy.”
“It just happens to be a better business than any we own,” he said.
Buffett also underscored another benefit to holding Apple stock: share repurchases.
The Berkshire chief noted an additional part of Apple’s value is its appeal to customers.
“I think I know where Apple is going to be in five or 10 years,” he said.
Hopefully, AAPL is following count below. Not at my desk so couldn’t verify is a valid count, using eyeball only, didn’t verify using fib ratios. Dividend adjusted ATH is $181.38, currently trading within 5% from this ATH.
Chart below is two possible count at higher Cycle degree posted in early Feb. Pasted here again for reference. Hate to be a messenger of bad news so didn’t want to post progress of the red bearish count.
Maybe innovation is not dead yet at Apple.
For traditional companies, products with $1B revenue are known as block busters. For startups and software companies, presentation ideas are sufficient to be called innovation. For Apple, product with annual revenue over $30B still not view as innovation .
Apple doesn’t brag about its AI capability.
Jun 5