AAPL and Apple

Founders. Look at their messy desks.

MBA operator:

Coincident or cause?

Can’t afford it? No need to give sophisticated reason. Just return it after reviewing it, is ok.

Same person, Parker Ortolani, used twice is a population?

Parker Ortolani, The Verge ’s product manager, told me that he thought using the device led to a burst blood vessel in his eye… To be fair, VR headset users have anecdotally reported dry eyes and redness for years.

Some people’s heads are not made to enjoy such devices. Allergy?

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Social apps are a huge use case for iPhone. That’s the beauty of the App Store. Apple doesn’t need to develop the killer social app for AVP. Someone else can, and Apple will get rich.

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Do you spend most of your team searching the internet for anecdotes that confirm your feelings?

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I don’t. Do you?

You literally post anecdotes from random people as most of your arguments. You some how think they invalidate data.


Do we have vision pro return data? Do you think Apple will ever publish that data?

No. That’s why I look at anecdotes.


He did that all the time. Pathetic.

Most social media influencers bought AVP to do a review with the intention of returning them. They know full well what is an innovator’s/early adopter device. They are not innovators nor early adopters themselves. Just want to get “likes” to increase their visibility and payday. They are desperate for visibility.

Very easy to get view of early adopters e.g.

You don’t like the anecdote I picked. So you picked your own anecdote.


People who rushed out and bought AVP are Apple fanboys. AVP has been out for merely two weeks, remember. For them to return it means even for the diehard fans AVP is not worth the money they paid.

Some like it, sure. Some don’t. I am just surprised among the most cultish fanboys many chose to return.

I bet people returned the first iPhone, because it didn’t have a keyboard. At this point, you’re 5+ years of being proven wrong on a consistent basis. How much credibility do you have?

Credibility? I just lay out reasons. You don’t need to trust me. I don’t operate a cult. I never ask people to blindly follow.

If you don’t agree with what I wrote, you can list out your reasons and data why you think AVP will be a blockbuster product.

You’ve been laying out reasons why Apple is doomed for 5+ years.

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2% growth after a whole year of negative growth? I don’t think Apple as a business is doing too well.

So I gather you don’t really have any reasons why AVP will be a great product for Apple. Other than that “Apple has been doing well.”

It will probably take 6-12 months for developers to realize the HW potential and develop the killer apps for it. There are no killer apps yet. There never are with tech that’s so new. The initial apps are slightly upgraded versions of existing ones, since that’s the fasting thing to develop. Yes, the killer apps will happen. Then it’ll be a success. You bag on watch. Apples wearables business would be a Fortune 500 company. Apple services would be a Fortune 500 company.

Also, industry wide phone and computer were down. Apple gained market share in both. Do you think phone and computer sales are in secular decline? They go in cycles. If Apple is gaining market share, then they’ll benefit even more from the industry uptrend in sales.

The only way you can be bearish on Apple is if you believe phone and computer sales are entering a multi-year period of secular decline.

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They are not fanboys. They’re reviewers and social influencers (which is why I always check profile) who don’t have any use cases in mind. They just want…


for a full refund.

A true consumer e.g. you, have an use case in mind (recall you saying so) and want to wait for the price to come down… expect you would be buying one in the 4th or 5th year.

Btw, I do a web search to find out who have an use case and posted the first one on the list. USE case. Not a social influencer blah blah blah about the pros and cons of AVP. As a consumer, I want to know what are the use cases not some BS pros and cons, we…

No need for reviewers to tell us.

Look at @mcp’s example, use cases…

not your example of Ryan Jones…
“Glare, fit, FOV, foveation, OS, hardware, motion, resolution” Sound like some technical blah blah blah to impress other tech gurus.