Amazon HQ2

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Gee, Jeff, you don’t look so happy there… girl problems, hmmmm???

The author Nancy Bass Wyden has her real nightmares which is not related to Amazon. It was caused by her building being designated as a landmark building. Never buy a landmark building or “historic” building.

A particularly galling example of this disconnect? As some New York city and state politicians courted Jeff Bezos, others were deciding it would be OK to add to my expenses by requiring my Manhattan bookstore – the third-generation-owned, 91-year-old Strand – to be designated as a landmark building.

This alleged honorific would present me with a regulatory nightmare: When any building is designated a landmark, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission henceforth must approve all building changes – from window repair and signage adjustment to the type of mortar used to repair a crack in the walls. The labyrinthine process for such approval places a burden that would cost us time and money – as it does every other small business that is so designated. Maintaining the building would require hiring landmarking experts, architects and lawyers. This additional cost, on top of our already thin margins, could very well grind the Strand into bankruptcy.

After spending the majority of his life working at the Strand and saving his money for more than 60 years, my father, Fred Bass, purchased the building housing the Strand in 1996 to ensure the survival of his business. Ironically, his investment could be the undoing of his life’s work.

Though there is one more hearing at which we can argue our case against landmark status, the odds are unlikely to favor us. The city has made clear its intention to force through the designation.

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Amazon is reconsidering NY headquarters site because of local opposition, Washington Post reports

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Please go to Atlanta, not Austin, fast appreciation => higher property tax, stagnant rent, bad for landlords!

“The state’s agreement with Amazon guaranteed $27 billion in revenue for New York with $3 billion returned to Amazon in tax credits, Cuomo said.”

I guess they don’t want the $27B. I say go somewhere else.

This is how it starts generally → The downfall.


Similar protests were seen for google diridon project too, but finally city approved the sale.

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Amazon needs NYC more than NYC needs Amazon. NYC has been doing great by itself. It’s not Wisconsin.

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Amazon or NY?

NY, IF this is a trend…

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Having said that, It does seem NY is trying to catch up on tech, I need to check - might be wrong :slight_smile:

Is there any legal reasons that tech companies have no union? NY loves union. Can New Yorkers form union in Amazon?

“ In the late ’70s and early ’80s the United Electrical Workers had recruited 600 workers at Silicon Valley’s largest contract manufacturer. That CM now has its HQ in Singapore. In the ’90s most of the hardware end of high tech in the Bay Area was offshored to Asia. This was motivated by two things: 1. Unions like UE beginning to make inroads in the hardware end, 2. cities in Silicon Valley passing all kinds of health & safety restraints after it came out that the electronic manufacturers had poisoned Silicon Valley’s groundwater.

What remains in the Bay Area, and probably other areas of USA, is the programming, design, marketing, maintenance and servicing end of the high tech sector. The companies in this area hire large numbers of people with college educations. They depend on the engineers and support staff because they carry the technology around in their heads. So the companies are motivated to pay them high salaries and fairly generous benefit systems — private welfare states. That’s part of the union avoidance strategy.”



Cool… AOC will have more supporters in the future :smile: (less good private sector jobs and AOC will provide them govt jobs)

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So much for intuition :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Read this comment somewhere

To put this into perspective, the $3 billion in incentives is only twice that which the MTA paid to renovate the Fulton Street subway station. Yet these same politicians did not rally ire among their constituencies against the MTA’s wastefulness. Between the two, an Amazon campus, which would have had many follow-on benefits, would have been the better deal. Shame on NY’s politicians for being so short-sighted.

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