Amazon HQ2

Oh well. NYC will be ok.

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Unions are only needed when workers have no other job choices. If they’re in demand, the union is a waste of their money.


You can have union which is only activated when GDP grows below 0.5%

Politicians are a huge waste, cut their salary to zero. And reduce the headcount of them by 80%.

NYC is a toast now. All employers will take notice. If Amazon can’t make it work, why do you think you could?

Will this benefit Nashville more or Virginia more?

I’m getting 5% more bullish on the South.

Still not useful–tech could grow while everyone else stagnates. You only want it when you need it. At the point where techies need it, they’ll form it.

Google is still expanding in NYC. Amazon lost goodwill by demanding huge subsidies. I don’t see AOC protesting against google.


Actually looking back I think this amazon HQ2 show was a very bad strategic decision for amazon. It doesn’t need that subsidy and now it’s firmly planted in public’s mind it’s greedy.

It’s still playing checkers while it should have been playing chess.

The year is 2032 and President AOC orders amazon to be broken up.


AOC for the dump.

I love Amazon

You better get your passport ready because she’s coming for you. :smile:

Have you become a member of Democratic Socialist? Pelosi is coming to you tomorrow, better escape tonight :joy: I heard her daughter saying something about her mother’s teeth

Hmm, Pelosi’s teeth is coming :rofl:

$3B subsidy vs. creating an additional $27B of tax revenue. Even the mayor of NYC admitted they need subsidies, because without them they’d never compete with Texas.

All this does is make it impossible for small businesses to compete with large ones. They could have reasonable rules and taxes. Instead, they have rules and taxes that are uncompetitive. Big businesses can negotiate a deal to get more reasonable terms while small businesses are forced to operate under uncompetitive terms. That puts small businesses at an even bigger disadvantage. That’s amazingly ironic considering liberals claim big businesses are evil yet their way of operating gives big businesses an unfair advantage.

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What an idiot. Yes, you just prevented your city from getting 25,000 high paying jobs. Way to take a victory lap. You just missed out on $27B in incremental tax revenue.

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I bet amazon will still expand in NYC. There are certain talents that only NYC has or has the most of. Think fashion, media, finance etc.

Google may also get some subsidy from NYC as well but they don’t put on a dog and pony show asking governments everywhere to come beg for their mercy. Neither did Apple and documents show Austin gave Apple subsidies as well. This HQ2 is just bad PR for amazon. The damage will come over many years.


70% of NY residents were in favor, and a small number of politicians put their own agenda and ideology ahead of the people they represent. Hopefully, they get voted out next election cycle for not representing their constituents.

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I prefer AOC over Silicone.

The bald man with uneven eyes is behaving weirdly recently. Go for silicone. Dog and pony show twice (HQ2 and something about pay for service guys).

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Amazon made a mistake to choose NY when Bezos was exploited by her mistress :rofl:

Now that mistake was corrected by a couple of stupidites :joy:

Sometimes you can correct your mistake by some jerks :rofl: Even evil and stupid can help sometimes :smiley:


The political wind is shifting. If you don’t know that you have been sleeping under a rock. Whether you agree with it or not you still have to acknowledge reality. You can’t wish it away.

Amazon has been far too naive. It’s still trying to pocket a couple billions here and there, totally not aware of the danger it’s getting itself in.

New York is losing population. Rent will become cheap, but hope it won’t be as cheap as Detroit

Chicago wants to attract Amazon. Will it be too cold?

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The political wind isn’t shifting. 70% of people supported it. What’s shifting is democrats feel compelled to appease the small number of extremist in their voter base. People are speaking based on where they are migrating.

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