AMD moving headquarters to Santa Clara

To me it’s just confirmation the Dublin area is becoming a prime area for Asians in general and Chinese in particular.

Gee @harriet, you should go into politics.

Most places serve you crap at hot pot. I am willing to pay more money if I am getting quality food.

Well, at $32 per person, shouldn’t we expect quality food???

Unfortunately reality doesn’t meet expectation most of the time. One can easily drop $35+ at Little Sheep and all you get are a couple of fish balls and some not-so-fresh meat.

Chinese food is now on par with mainstream food in price. Is it because China is now a wealthy country?

Korean food is also getting expensive. I remember the time you can have good Chinese and Korean food at low price.

But Japanese food price did not go up much.

I’ve been to Little Sheep, it is fine. To me, this place should be good because well it is expensive. How hard is that??? You can hire the best chef and with those prices your stuff better be good. I am way more impressed with places that have way better bang for the buck.

I again agree with @harriet :smiley: Eating hot pot at restaurants is for chumps. There is no culinary skills involved. You just buy pre-cut meat and wash some veggies and viola! There is your hot pot at home.

Also your clothes will smell like crap coming out of that hot pot restaurant.

Ok, with logic like that, why I am going to such a restaurant that offers it???


Go eat their dim sum dragon boy. They also have other dinner dishes besides hot pot, right?

Are you looking for excuses to go to San Tung everyday? Eat something different man. Life is too short.

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Honestly, I am not big on expensive places since they again should be good. I will ask my Big Bro who introduced our family to a chinese hole in the wall place down in SV back in the day and it was amazing food because it was way reasonable for what you got. All the engineers knew about this place. The secret was the chef (I believe his name was Michael) and unfortunately since he wasn’t the owner he left so the place also went down hill. If you were around down there within the last 5-10 years you would have heard about it. It was in a dinky strip mall way in a corner. Made fairly exotic Chinese food on order and was surprisingly not expensive. That, my friend, is what impresses me.

Again, my Big Bro and his wife are foodies, and he has said East Lake is good but even he recognizes San Tung for what it is, a way more popular place to eat. That is simply fact.

Geez man all talk and no action? No respect.

Don’t like hot pot…Boiled meat is tasteless. .I want my meat grilled…Much prefer Vietnamese style grilled meat over cold noodles-rice vermicelli

Fearless Leader,

Like you said, I am not a chump. I don’t ever pay retail for anything. I pay $2 a month to use a full fledged gym chain for the rest of my life. I know a permit expediter who can help me with remodel projects in SF that probably others will have a hard time working through. My best friend is a career IRS employee who knows the ends and outs of my taxes and all for free (he can’t charge remember, but he has to eat and he doesn’t need a gun to his head to enjoy sporting events). My brother in law is a surgeon, so I get free medical advice 24/7. I got probably the lowest fixed mortgage rate of anyone here (2.5%) through my buddy Tracie the mortgage broker. I have too many auto mechanic friends who wouldn’t screw me over, even when I drove the big SL. Need I go on???

Food does not need to be expensive to be good or even excellent. You folks are the chumps to buy into that…:slight_smile:

Stop making excuses and just try the food at least once.

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So I try it and probably enjoy it, what does it prove? That expensive food, yes, should be good?

Yea, last time I visited friend in Dublin, I hear a lot about good Asian (Chinese / Korean / Japanese) restaurants. Maybe time to consider too.

Dublin is nice but keep in mind, BART fare to the city if you work here is over 6 dollars one way now. And, that will surely increase as BART has to fix those lousy escalators that they don’t want people walking up…

Isn’t it the same for Fremont? When I live in Fremont & work in the city, commuter benefit covers up to 110 or something like that, so my out of pocket was less than $100 / month, which is cheaper than commuting to work via Car.

Sure, but a lot of folks living in Fremont drive to work in SV or nearby, where parking is provided free. That’s what my tenant does. He avoids the Fab 7x7…