Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

Busses were about half full today.

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There are at least 500 cases walking around Seattle undetected if death rate is like other advanced economy at below 2%. That’s what’s freaking people out.

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Should be like South Korea, around 0.7%, so about 1300 walking around.

Don’t go to Seattle where the bald man and SWE-turn-virologist are.

Amazon should buy a site license for ZM and tell everyone to work from home.

Take a look at Singapore’s approach. They implemented border controls, activated a hotline that everyone can call in on and get triaged (should they go to a local clinic, the hospital or a special testing center), opened up hundreds on testing centers, implemented rigorous contact tracing, used laws to ensure compliance, passed generous benefits - both pay for lost income (well above median income) and complete coverage for all testing and treatment.

Government run healthcare works well pretty often


FEMA can do all of that in the US without having government run healthcare. It’s also much easier to manage on a small island vs the entire US. It’s like trying to manage the Bay Area vs the whole US. The scale is an entirely different animal.

Only in Singapore. You forgot to mention a few critical details,

  • LKY daughter is a doctor, she pushed for PS(Health) to be a doctor (a specialist) instead of an Admin Service officer (a generalist) like most Ministries. LKY pushed for a world class healthcare system, Singapore as a healthcare hub for Asia!

  • Many doctors are government scholars

  • Singapore has probably the most efficient admin system in the world, government has many incentives and systems pushing for continual improvement and creative solutions for all admin systems, constant exploration of any new tech for suitability

And yet it has more confirmed cases than a rotten admin in Hong Kong. :smile:

Trying to taunt me? You knew the reason.

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Amazon is cancelling its larger meetings.

For @manch eyes only,

The answer is maybe, and perhaps only with the unique combination of factors that Singapore brings: a top-notch health system, draconian tracing and containment measures, and a small population that’s largely accepting of government’s expansive orders.

The last few words of the 3rd phrase is a subtle jab.

"There seems to be more of a willingness to place the community and society needs over individual liberty and that helps in a public health crisis, ” said Kent Sepkowitz, an infectious disease control specialist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Very Asian. I suspect China, Korea and Japan have the same willingness. Was lost in HK!

It’s now using a new serological test developed by Duke-NUS Medical School that can establish links between infected cases, which will allow authorities to map out the chain of transmission and therefore try to break it. Local researchers had earlier successfully cultured the novel virus within a week of Singapore confirming its first case.

Example of Singapore always looking for improvement and breakthrough solution (not the same as SV money face attitude, is for social good).

Singapore is also a regional business hub with a large flow of overseas visitors.

Above + thorough uncovering process should answer your question.

:+1: @manch owns a large number of ZM. FaceTime should suffice for most communication. Is a free apps!

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With all those sacrificed liberty in SG and yet it has more cases than HK.


Oh, HK has 30% more people as well. And lower per capita GDP than SG.

Thank goodness for the protests which deterred a lot of mainland tourists. HKers are more germ conscious after the SARS nightmare. Situation would have been even better if it wasn’t for the trash leadership.

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Everyone in hk wear face masks. We learned the sars lesson. I think US death rate will be a lot higher in upcoming future. Many of them won’t able to get diagnose and treat ment until in serious or critical condition. By the time they’re diagnose. Only 30% of the lung is functioning

The coronavirus outbreak in the Seattle area is at a critical juncture and could see explosive growth in cases much like Wuhan, China, if public officials don’t take immediate, forceful measures, according to a new analysis of genetic data.

The author of the analysis, a computational biologist named Trevor Bedford, said there are likely already at least 500 to 600 cases of Covid-19 in the greater Seattle area. He urged health authorities and the public to immediately begin adopting non-pharmaceutical interventions — imposing “social distancing” measures, telling the sick to isolate themselves, and limiting attendance at large gatherings.

Seattle is effectively in the position that Wuhan was on Jan. 1, when it first recognized it had an outbreak of a new virus, but did not realize the scale of the problem or the speed at which the virus was spreading, Bedford said.

:scream: :scream: :scream:


Bay area will be next. Who knows how many are already infected.

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Twitter thread on the experience of someone in Seattle trying to get tested. Incredibly frustrating. In the end she didn’t get tested because apparently the criteria is either having traveled outside of the country recently, or in contact with the handful of confirmed patients.

This is NOT looking good. Be afraid.

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The fragility of our economic system is sobering. All it takes to bring it down are bad subprime loans or a nasty flu.
Over the last couple of centuries the US suffered things like the explosion of Mt. Tambora which destroyed a year of food production in the Northern Hemisphere, a civil war, two world wars and a shutdown of the jet stream for nearly 7 years resulting in half the midwest turning to dust and blowing away. Can anyone imagine today’s hyper-leveraged JIT economy surviving any of those things?


The governor of Ohio canceled the Arnold sports festival this weekend in Columbus. Athletes can still go and compete but spectators aren’t allowed. It’s the largest amateur sports festival in the country. It’s a huge revenue generator for the city.