Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

Wow, that’s a rough 30 days :frowning_face: Sorry to hear that.

Sorry to hear that dude. I sincerely hope everyone starts masking up. It’s not too late to save the lives of other people.

Wait I thought Covid19 was just going to disappear after the election?

sorry to hear. Hope they rest in peace.

THIS is why everyone is not running around with their hair on fire Our current strategy is totally wrong-headed and will kill far more people than it saves.

Wow, imagine if anyone said the fatality rate of Covid was actually MUCH lower than initially reported. Oh wait…

Hmm. That’s from March, 14th.

Daily death is going vertical.

Flu cases and deaths go vertical every year too. What’s you point?

It’s pretty obviously from the graphs that a far smaller % of cases are hospitalized and the fatality rate is much lower than at the beginning.

Still on the “it’s just a flu” bandwagon? Hospitalization and death rate no doubt is dropping as we have better treatment options, but the denominator - number of people getting infected - is rising exponentially.

Goal is to reduce suffering. Is that controversial?

Wow. Big hug to you. That’s pretty rough.

No deaths here. It was going around my brother in law’s warehouse as well as his grandmother’s nursing home. So far no deaths in either. We are waiting to find out if his grandmother caught it from her caretaker who tested positive last week, so could still happen. She’s over 90.

It still amazes me that healthcare workers are allowed to work jobs at multiple places when schools are talking about podding kids. If they did that with nursing homes and their workers, I think there’d be much less spread.

So you don’t care if we shutdown everything and tank GDP by 30% and cause tons of unemployment?

Fatality rate is now close to the flu which is what some people said at the beginning, since the vast majority of people who caught it were asymptomatic and were never tested. Then you have the DATA that says 44% of fatalities also had pneumonia with Covid. So please, what are you basing your analysis on?

“In other words, when the World Health Organization said back in early March that three percent of people who get COVID die from it, they were wrong by at least one order of magnitude. The COVID fatality rate is much closer to 0.2 or 0.3 percent. The reason for the highly inaccurate early estimates is simple: in early March, we were not identifying most of the people who had been infected by COVID.”

The dichotomy between choosing the economy or health is a false one. Most people are not stupid. When they see a raging pandemic outside they adjust their behavior, shutdown or no shutdown.

Key is to get the disease under control.

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1/10 of North Dakota population has been infected with Covid. That’s why I said you need to look at the denominator as well. Death rate alone doesn’t give you the full picture.

Right, so we have more of you making up your own arbitrary measures vs. the accepted ones such as fatality rate.

Yes, people change their behavior, but what happens to the economy when large amounts of people are not allowed to work? We saw the Q2 GDP drop in the US. Then we saw the massive rebound as things started to re-open.

31.4% drop in Q2

33.1% increase in Q3

Covid didn’t vanish from Q2 to Q3. There was still risk, yet people spent FAR more in Q3.

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Number of people infected is not some arbitrary measure. The denominator is literally half the information in a fraction.

There’s been a lull in Covid cases in the summer. A number of factors like weather and people’s precaution contributed. We just need to hunker down one more time and get thru this winter. Next year will be much better with multiple vaccines on the horizon.

You should have asked how many people know someone who has died from the flu, vs how many from Covid. Then you will know they are not the same at all.

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Actually there was a spike which was unusual. Would help to understand why that was. More testing? Or more people out and about?

Right, and 44% of Covid fatalities also having pneumonia is what? It means you have an even small chance of dying if you only have covid.

No one cares how many people catch something if it has a low fatality rate. No one asks how many people get the flu or how many get a cold. Yet, they are fatal for a subset of the population. That doesn’t mean everyone needs to run around in fear and we close down the country for cold and flu season.

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don’t get it reversed.

Technical Notes: Provisional Death Counts for COVID-19.