Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

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I’m confused. First US case was 1/21. First Italy case was 1/31. We are 10 days ahead of them.

Number of days since the 100th case.

Our test capacity is fast ramping up! Now over 30k daily.


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Do you really believe that since the US was so slow to start testing?

Haven’t you been telling us since the beginning that this whole thing is no big deal?

The panic is way worse than the virus. As I predicted in the beginning, when the bulls were still buying stocks.

According to the doctor this morning they have done around 13k so far

In a crisis, governments often make difficult decisions under uncertainty and time constraints. These decisions must be both culturally appropriate and sensitive to the population.

Based on the data so far, the number of serious/ critical conditions or deaths is about 7-8% of total confirmed cases. I am wondering how many are able to recover from the serious/ critical conditions.

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HK did a study i remember around 150 patients and found out some of them lost 20-30% lung fuction forever. I forgot the number of people though.

Looking at the number, probably most would die.

We didn’t shutdown anything for H1N1. Do you believe this is that much worse that it justifies the difference in response?

The scare is created on the premise there is no way to identify the victim for treatment and can be propagated like nuclear reaction to unlimited mass of people unknowingly!

The spreading is way worse than H1N1, not only that, if you see all western country they see facemasks is a joke, making fun of asian and attacking asian ppl, you’ll know we’re in deep shit.
Medical staff nurses are not wearing any protective gear at all. I’m expecting medical collapse within a few weeks, according to a lady in nextdoor she work in icu, they have 7 beds, and planning to increase to 25. estimate for the city 5% of the ppl are serious condition is around 3750.

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I added the number of confirmed cases per million people in red to the two tables attached. No obvious relationship between that number and population size. Probably due to differences in the rigor of testing, climate, current season, and geographical spread of the population. I was expecting, lower number of confirmed cases per mil people for larger population.

The number for Wuhan is a scary :scream: 50000/11 = 4500 confirmed cases per mil people. Hope this is not the consequence of lockdown and is because it is the epicenter. Something for scientists to find out.
The rest of China i.e. exclude Wuhan is 21 confirmed cases per mil people, higher than USA.

Key difference: H1N1 starts fever first before being contagious. This makes it much easier to contain. With COVID-19, we are fighting against an invisible enemy.


No more open houses?

SF is essentially shut down. This is going to be the mother of all recessions.

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