Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

WHO said no worry man. spreading is low. death rate is low, no risk
WHO IS PAID BY CHINA, you still don’t realize that

They even change the fxxking name of the virus to favor china
ask people in HK and TAIWAN what this is call.

Remind you


Again nobody said China was not wrong in the early coverup. Fact is we knew since beginning of January and we chose to do nothing after we knew.

We can’t control what China does. We can only control what we do, and our responses suck.


Chula Vista city councilman was absent from a meeting yesterday. We knew he was infected with the coronavirus. His aide said he was resting comfortably at home. It turned out he was in a local hospital, in ICU on a ventilator.

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Hope the meeting was on online…

Ding, ding, ding. I also heard first hand of things that weren’t fully shared. This includes silencing people. Same same, but different.

(I posted about it before, but deleted it to protect those that shared the information. It was obvious which story I was referencing.)

I don’t think it’s entirely our fault that our response sucked (although we are partially at fault for depending on the CDC). Americans looked up to CDC and CDC chose to follow WHO. Places that disregarded WHO are doing the best in this outbreak.


CDC didn’t even use the WHO tests and that’s one reason why we are so badly prepared. In what ways did CDC follow WHO? In the arbitrary naming whether this is a pandemic?

The top management of WHO is influenced by Chinese money. But they are not the experts and only politicians and media pay attention to them. The medical and epidemiology experts issued their own reports and those are fairly non political.


CDC Director Robert Redfield told reporters the U.S. government acted after the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on Thursday over the spread of the respiratory disease.

“I want to emphasize that this is a serious health situation in China, but I want to emphasize that the risk to the American public is currently low,” Redfield said. “Our goal is to do all we can do to keep it that way.”

If CDC just takes orders from some guy saying something in a news conference then fire everybody. WHO has a large number of medical experts who conduct investigations and communicate with other countries’ medical experts. If all you got from WHO are some sound bites in news conferences why does Taiwan complain not able to join? Just turn on the TV and there you have it.

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NY is acting too slow. It’s a goner.

Cuomo escalates safety mandates, orders all ‘non-essential’ New Yorkers to stay home

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This will warm masks police like @dioworld’s heart.



People forget how hard it is for big nations to respond to anything. Stalin took 6 weeks to respond to Hitlers invasion.
The US took three years to get ready for DDay.
It will take years to recover from this latest black swan nightmare.

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Exactly. Disappointed that instead of working together to deal with the virus, finger pointing at each other.

I think you are deviating too far from the original issue.

My dog ate my homework.

Sure, but you could have written it up again in the two months while you were sitting there tweeting your thumb.

@marcus335 Not sure why you want to debate over this issue. The immediate critical thing to do is to work together globally to contain the virus, find a vaccine, develop a therapy and prevent the possible oscillation between North and South, and between East and West. You hold your view. I hold my view. Agree to disagree. Done.

Italy 2.0

And while there is a shortage of N95 respiratory masks nationwide, the nurses say Kaiser is keeping masks under lock and key and won’t let them bring them from home, even if they purchase the masks themselves.

Kaiser said it is simply following new guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention this week.

The California Nurses Association blasted those guidelines as dangerously lax, including a recommendation to use simple surgical masks instead of N95 respirators amidst the equipment shortage.

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US will cross 20k tomorrow. We are worse than Italy. NY acted too slowly.